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The Return (aka. The Kingdom of Elsweyr)


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I am back! And I'm flourishin' with ideas!


Apologies if my OCG has flaws, I haven't even looked at the face of a card in 2 months.


[spoiler=The Kingdom of Elsweyr]

Now, the Elsweyrians have mastered collecting the spirits of their enemies and using them back as powerful weapons.




Trooper of Elsweyr (* * *) LIGHT

Warrior/Effect - ATK 500 DEF 1200

The monster that attacks this card is destroyed in the end of the Damage Step.


Sacrificial Slaves (*) DARK

Warrior/Effect - ATK 0 DEF 100

Tribute this card and roll a six-sided die. Put Spirit Counters on face-up Spell or Trap Cards equal to the result of the six-sided die.


Roycel, the Captain of Elsweyr (* * * *) LIGHT

Warrior/Effect - ATK 700 DEF 800

If this card is attacked, tribute 1 monster on your side of the field to negate the attack and destroy the attacking monster. During the End Phase of the turn that this card was activated, Special Summon 1 "Trooper of Elsweyr" to your side of the field in face-up Defense Position.


Rangers of Elsweyr (* * *) LIGHT

Warrior/Effect - ATK 800 DEF 900

If this card attacks a monster with an ATK of 1400 or more, remove Spirit Counters from a Spell or Trap Card(s) equal to the Level of the monster to destroy the monster.


Wirian, The Necromancer of Elsweyr (* * * * * *) DARK

Spellcaster/Effect - ATK 1600 DEF 1800

Tribute 1 monster on your side of the field. Put Spirit Counters on Spell or Trap Cards on your side of the field equal to the number of monsters in your opponent's Graveyard.


Elites of Elsweyr (* * * * *) LIGHT

Warrior/Effect - ATK 900 DEF 0

If there are no Spirit Counters on Spell or Trap Cards on your side of the field, the ATK of this card becomes 0. When this card destroys a monster, destroy Spirit Counters from Spell and Trap Cards from your side of the field equal to the Level Stars of the monster this card destroyed.


Romulus, King of Elsweyr (* * * * * *) LIGHT

Warrior/Effect - ATK 2000 DEF 2000

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 3 monsters with "Elsweyr" in it's name. During your Standby Phase, you may activate 1 of these effects:

* Destroy 3 Spirit Counters on your side of the field to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster with "Elsweyr" in it's name.

* Tribute 1 monster on your side of the field to put Spirit Counters on Spell or Trap cards on your side of the field equal to the Level of the monster.




Castle of Elsweyr

Field Spell Card

If there is a monster with "Elsweyr" in it's name on your side of the field, this card cannot be destroyed. As long as this card is face-up on the field, put 1 Spirit Counter on a Spell or Trap Card you control. Increase the ATK of all face-up Warrior-Type monsters on your side of the field by 100 for each Spirit Counter on this card.


Charge Blade of Elsweyr

Equip Spell Card

You may only equip this card to a Warrior-Type monster. Increase the ATK of the monster equipped with this card by the number of Spirit Counters on this card x200.



Spirit Chains

Equip Spell Card

Decrease the ATK of the monster that is equipped by this card by 100 for each Spirit Counter on this card. If there are less than 5 Spirit Counters on this card, your opponent must attack with the monster equipped with this card.


Charge Shield of Elsweyr

Equip Spell Card

You may only equip this card to a Warrior-Type monster. Increase the DEF of the monster equipped with this card by the number of Spirit Counters on this card x200.



Fortified Defense

Continuous Spell Card

Remove a number of Spirit Counters from this card to Special Summon 1 monster with "Elsweyr" in it's name with Level Stars equal to the number of Spirit Counters removed from this card from your hand or Deck. If there are no Spirit Counters on this card during the End Phase of the turn, destroy this card.



Rebel Spirit Army

Continuous Spell Card

Remove a number of Spirit Counters from this card to Special Summon monsters from your opponent's Graveyard equal to the number of Spirit Counters removed from this card. All monsters Special Summoned this way are destroyed and sent to their owner's Graveyards in the End Phase of this turn. If there are no Spirit Counters on this card during the End Phase of the turn, destroy this card.




Charge Spirit Cannon

Continuous Trap Card

Activate only when an opponent's monster attacks. Remove a number of Spirit Counters from this card to inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the number of Spirit Counters removed from this card. If there are no Spirit Counters on this card during the End Phase of the turn, destroy this card.


Rush to Battle

Normal Trap Card

Discard 1 card from your hand. Special Summon a "Trooper of Elsweyr" from your hand or Deck. If the card you discarded was "Trooper of Elsweyr", you may Special Summon it.


Spirit Guidance

Continuous Trap Card

When this card is activated, remove all Spirit Counters on all face-up Spell or Trap Cards on your side of the field and put it on this card. You may then distribute any number of Spirit Counters from this card to other face-up Spell or Trap Cards once per turn. If this card is destroyed, increase your Life Points by the number of Spirit Counters on this card x200.





I hope you enjoy, and about that fail card contest, I'll make up for it.

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