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The Orichalcos Immortals (ended) Please Lock


Should i make another RP  

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"One down, two to-"

"Not so fast Zarkus."

Ayumu was standing in the crater where Haku died, holding a card in her hand.

"Haku... this is for you! Spell card, activate! Super Polymerization! Orichalcos Immortals, merge with me now!"

Both of them nodded and turned to dust. The dust circled around Ayumu's body as the Orichalcos insignia appeared on her head and her eyes started glowing red.

"This is exactly what I need now! Zarkus, I challenge you to a duel! Its time to end this once and for all!"

A Chaos Duel Disk appeared on her arm.

Zarkus activated his own duel disk.

"My pleasure!"


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OOC: Mind if I make this a bit more interesting?

IC: As she was activating her Duel Disk, Ayumu keeled over and started to convulse. Three very powerful beings were now part of her, fusing with her very essence as they merged with her, their immense power being a bit too much for Ayumu's current mortal shell to handle.

Ayumu started to swell like a balloon being pumped full of too much air. The minor injuries she had obtained against Nexiarx were now seeping black ichor similar to the stuff the Orichalcos Immortals were made out of. Her eyes popped as she spewed the slime out of her mouth, then her nostrils, then her ears, as well as some other orifices....

Then she exploded and collapsed into a mass of sludge.

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OOC: Well, did you think that Ayumu simply activating a simple Super Polymerization and have them go into her would be fine and dandy?

She just placed three powerful demigods into her body.

Something's gotta give.

IC: The giant mass of goop started expanding and growing. Six bestial heads, one lupine and a spiky mane, one horned, yet also with a similar mane to the first, the third with a metallic, blade-like mane, a fourth with three blades coming out, jutting behind it, a fifith with flowing hair, and a sixth with mechanical spines, all with Orichalcos symbols and red eyes, grew out of the expanding mass on long, draconic necks. A humanoid body also appeared in front of the necks, which were growing draconic wings. This body was obviously female, but was about the size of a small skyscraper. Its head also had an Orichalcos symbol, and had a hairstyle that was a mockery of Ayumu's. Her maw, which was opening, was as red as her eyes and appeared to be a gateway to something other than the stomach of this beast.


The beast roared in a composite of all four of its Fusion-Material beings.

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Ooc: Reine VS Protheus


[spoiler=Reine VS Protheus]

Protheus: I summon Marauding Captain which allows me to summon another Marauding Captain and then another and then Rare Metal Dragon. Then I activate Double Summon and tribute the 3 Marauding Captain's for Earthbound Immortal Adllirgo Szunti! Set and Turn End.


Reine: My turn, draw! I activate Recycling the Immortals which by paying 2000 LP, removes from play all Level 10 Monsters on the Field! Then I can special summon as many Level 10 Monsters as the amount which was removed from play ignoring the summoning conditions! Come forth, Mechanic Immortal Break!


Protheus: How did you?.....



Ic: The screen turns Black afterwards then goes back to Reine.


Reine: That's 1 Dark Signer down, and a lot more to go. I will not let those sacrifices go to waste. I will take down the Orichalcos and Earthbound Immortals, one by one with the power of the Mechanic Immortals!

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Zarkus looked up at the beast and let out a slight laugh

"Looks like its all over, my friend. Lets go out with a bang."

Savior Light Dragon looked at Zarkus and nodded. Zarkus jumped on the back of Savior Light Dragon, and started charging towards the new creature. Zarkus shut his eyes

"Im sorry I couldnt finish this on my own, but... its not over."

The mark of the Crimson Dragon on his back was glowing brightly as he was charging towards Haku (?)

OOC: I'll take control of her if you have to go. k?

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OOC: I got its name.

Orichalcos Immortal Salquachakwikumu (say that in real life 5 times fast!)

...or "BAFOI" works too. (Big-Ass Fused Orichalcos Immortal)

Rudger, pardon my slight swearing....

IC: The beast sent its five of its six dragon heads at Zarkus and Savior Light Dragon. The sixth, the black-haired one, looked like it was preparing for something...

OOC; I might have to go and not be able to get back on until the morning Zarkus and my time. Sorry.

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Zarkus jumped off the head of Savior Light Dragon about halfway through. The laws of intertia dicatated that he would move a few more meters.

"Activate Meteor of Destruction and Meteor Prominence!" he said, as 4 large meteors and 1 huge one came out of the sky and his Salquex.

OOC: And alrighty then. I'll control her then

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IC: Salquex's humanoid portion managed to catch Zarkus and encased him in her hands.

She lifted the poor man up to her face.


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I'll Join!

Name: Brendan Kessler

Age: 10

Occupation: Pro Orichalcos Duelist

Appearance: Silver Hair (Pretty Much like Kalin)

Decks: Orichalcos, Sparky, and Black Rose Decks

Side:Orichalcos Duelist

Duelist you can be more than one):

Bio: He lived in New Dominoe City But Now Lives In the Sattalite due to the Enerdy System


Earthbound Immortal(s)(dark signers only):

Orichalcos(up to Tritos orichalcos only):

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Name:Hunter Steel

Age: 20

Occupation: duelist


Decks: Plant beatdown deck

Side: Dark signer

Bio: Hunter was born in a wealthy family, he always liked growing flowers on his backyard garden and he didnt have any friends in his life, suddenly war has begun and people started to get killed one by one, Hunter despretly tried to protect his garden, but he got himself killed ,but he got revived as a dark signer in order to take revenge of all people on this world

Earthbound Immortal(s)(dark signers only): 178778f.jpg

Preferred Dark Synchro(Dark Signers only): soon to be posted

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OOC: As Pit from Kid Icarus would say, "the fight is on!"

I know...bad reference....

IC: Salquex just grinned as she started to convulse, then she started to transform again.

Her humanoid head sprouted horns and a red gem as armor-like pieces grew up and encased the main body. Her draconic heads also gained black armor. These new pieces of equipment were made of a bluish-black crystal as a large demonic head grew out of the slimy mass that Salquex was connected to.

Obelisk the Tormentor was now part of Salquex.

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