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Mindscape - (Accepting + Started)

Hydra of Ages

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2250 BC- Egyptian Carvings detail a meteor impact west of the Nile River. The ancient Egyptians worshipped this stone as a gift of the gods, and used it as an item of great power; It existed until the the discover's son ascended to Pharaoh-hood, tossing the stone away and preventing it from ever being found.


356 BC- A Meteorite impacted within the city bounds of Pella, capital of the Macedon kingdom of Greece. A child born on the same day as the impact would grow to become Alexander the Great. The Meteorite was offered at a temple to Neptune, and thrown into the sea, never to be recovered.


1902 AD- A Meteorite impacted in Alsfeld, and was apprehended for research by the German Military, along with three children who witnessed the crash. Of the three children, two were never heard from again. The third grew

up to pilot the German Military's Psychokinetic and Telekinetic Research Division, in order to examine the possibility

of developing Tele or Psychkinetic abilities for use in World War II. The Meteor was destroyed upon the surrender of Germany.


Of these three incidents, all had something in common; At least one of those involved with the sighting off the odd Meteor developed telekinetic abilities which allowed them to either rule, conquer, or for their own personal gain. This seemingly rare gift, however, is spreading; People are awakening with Psychic abilities, but strangely, only those between the ages of 10 and 22. What causes this? What is the secret of the Meteor? Perhaps we shall find out...





Hello, and welcome. You've been chosen for a special job by the famous Doctor Seinhem, at his Clinic of Medical Psychotherapy. The Good Doctor seeks out those with promising, young mental abilities, and through his unique training regiment, allows you to control them.


Now, we understant not all of you come from 'Conventional' backgrounds- That doesn't matter to us! The Good Doctor will provide homes, and all the basic necessities for learning. All he asks of his pupils, is for them to join him on special jobs of his own devising, made for the betterment of their minds.





Telekinetic abilities are generally similar to eachother- Common Psychic abilities are listed below. Every character has all of the following abilities, plus additional ones they may learn.



Scanning is the simplest Psychic Ability, and can be used almost without knowing. While scanning, you pick up the surface thoughts of everyone around you, but you can't actively search for information to learn. People can block their minds from being Scanned if they are strong enough, and other Psychics are generally immune.

--General Kinesis--

General Kinesis is the name for low-class Psychokinetic abilities, and are generally the first learned by a developing Psychic. General Kinesis includes moving objects, causing friction (even small amounts of fire), manipulating temperature/weather patterns (though not very noticably), and occasionally teleportation. This is very exhausting, and not very powerful. Teleportation is the rarest ability, and can almost kill the user due to the effort it takes.

--Astral Projection--

Astral Projection is the first 'complex' ESP ability, and is generally the sign of a developed ESPer. It involves the user separating from their mind, becoming a ghost-like apparition that only other Psychics can see, while leaving their body in a Coma-like state. While Projected, you can move through objects and people, however your mind will still think you are solid (you can still die of shock if you are hit by a bus, while projected, for example).

While Astral-Projected, your General Kinesis abilites are HEAVILY increased, and often specialized. However, you ability fades the farther away from your body you go.

There are other aspects of Astral Projection that will be discussed by Dr.Seinhem early in the RP; however, the main aspect is Entering other's Minds.


--Entering the Mind---

Entering someone's mind is usually the point of Astral Projection. While in their mind, you will be present in their "MindScape", which is a physical representation of their inner mind. This differs wildly from person to person, but is often dangerous- Luckilly, you have three weapons.



The ID- Your ID is your Weapon while in an Astral-Projected state. It is a physical weapon, with powers of its own, and almost a mind of its own. One has to be careful to take it, or it will try to take over you. Your ID represents your Animal Instincts, and is generally your strongest asset.


The Ego- Your Ego are special Aspects granted to you while in an Astral-Projected state. They may be, for example, wings that grant you flight, or even a scarf that lets you regenerate from wounds. It's different for every one, but it is usually a defensive ability that becomes inherit to your body while Astral-Projected.


The SuperEgo- Your Super-Ego is your helper while in an Astral-Projected state. Usually, it is an animal or mythological create, but it is sometimes a humanoid also. The SuperEgo will fight with you and for you, and will generally help you and provide support- However, if you OR your Superego die, you will also. SuperEgo are generally safe, and there hasn't been one on record that purposely does anything to hurt their master.





Name: (Character Name)

Age: (Between 10 and 22)

Physical Appearance: (Pic or Descrip.)

Bio: (What is your character's past? How did he discover his abilities? How was he contacted by the Good Doctor?)

Personality: (How does your character act?)

ID: Your character's weapon while in Astral Form. Give a pic or description, and what abilities it has. IDs also have animalistic personalities, so describe what they are like.)

Egos: (An articel of Clothing, Armor, Weapon or extra appendage (such as a wing) that grants your character's special abilities while in Astral form. Do they use Pyrokinesis, or are more fond of Electrokinesis? Can they regenerate? Can they fly? Teleport? Throw heavy objects? No godmodding abilities.)

Superego: (Your Character's Superego companion. Can be an animal, or humanoid. Also give their powers, weapons (if applicable) and physical description.)



[spoiler= Rules & RP Info]

You're a youth who just discovered he has Psychic abilities. You've been contacted by a Psychiatrist whose' shown interest with people with your abilities. What happens next? Well, we'll see.

Rules are simple. No god modding, I highly discourage script format, and I withhold the right to reject people if I want.

Note that all character will be placed in the 'Personalities' section, including NPCs (which I will control for the most part).




Name: Doctor F. Seinhem (Controlled by Blazinghydra)

Age: 47

Physical Appearance: Dark haired man with a thin beard. Has short black hair, dark green eyes, and a sharp looking face, a bit like an Eagle. Wears a thin pair of spectacles, and always seems to be thinking of something. Tall, about 6'5, wearing a long white lab-coat, often carrying various psychiatric instruments in his pockets.

Bio: Allegedly a normal Psychiatrist from Canada, now apparently working for the American Military. He looks for those that show signs of ESP, and teaches them how to develop it. How does he know about it? Does he have the gift himself? Why does he want to help the others? Nobody knows...

Personality: Smarmy, cunning, Seinhem always has a foxlike air about him. It's almost impossible to show him up, and he's nigh impossible to get him to show emotion he doesn't want to. He's not particularly compassionate, but neither is he cruel, like a good boss or a teacher.


Name: Markus Kema (Controlled by Blazinghydra)

Age: 17

Physical Appearance: Shorter, with brown hair and a pair of thin glasses. Markus looks slightly nerdy, being obviously not athletic and wearing well-pressed, clean clothing. He has lean muscles and doesn't look particularly noticeable, except for his exceptionally bright green eyes that seem to turn blue in darker light.

Bio: A normal school kid, Markus never had many friends, and was always the silent type. He knew something was different about him when he started hearing voices in his head; He never told anyone, for fear of them rejecting him. He later figured out that the voices in his head were the thoughts of those around him, and that spooked him; He ran away from home for three days.

When he came back, he found a letter in the mail from a particular psychiatrist...

Personality: Markus is silent, thoughtful, and kind, but definitely not brave. He's more likely to run from confrontation than fight, and isn't very dedicated or effective; He hates arguing with others, and has gotten used to being on his own. He doesn't like being the center of attention, and feels oddly alienated even when people make friendly gestures to him.

ID: A halberd, colored silver with a red pikeblade on top. The halberd can cut through nearly anything, and summon waves of heat and fire. More noticeably, it can generate a barrier of heat that makes it nearly impossible to see anyone shrouded within it temporarily .

Egos: Markus has a red scarf as his Ego, which allows him to survive incredible temperatures (Hot and Cold), and also to breath underwater fine. It weakens poison and disease effects on him, but doesn't prevent that.

Superego: A red-furred wolf, named Geras. Geras is different from Markus in every way; he is sarcastic, deeply reliable, and charges into things with only a bare bones plan, preferring to make things up on the fly. Geras is better at using fire than Markus is, and uses it for more offensive abilities, such as shooting it out of his mouth or summoning a bonfire over his enemy. Combined with Markus' Ego powers, he can multiply into seven beings, each with an ability to weave webs made of blue fire.


Name: James Ventus (Controlled by Master Mave II)

Age: 20

Physical Appearance: Average height with short black hair, dull blue eyes and pale skin. Wears black jeans and a dark red shirt with a spiral on the front and back

Bio: James never got one very well with others, prefering to remain alone with his own thoughts. He was playing chess with himself one day, but when he went to move one of the pieces it shot away. James then realised he had psychic powers. He began practising and was quite good at using his powers when he got a letter from Dr.Seinhem.

Personality: James is quiet and calm, even in the most stressful situations and prefers to be alone. He will allways help people in need and never do anything to endanger the lives of others. He is always scanning for potential threats.

ID: A longsword that, when swung, can create strong winds strong enough to send people flying a couple of feet and can make the wind dense enough to become solid adding strength to his attacks. His longsword will only use it's power if the attack is intended to harm, or kill the opponent.

Egos: A locket that can hold his superego (James knows that when his superego dies so does he and therefore tries to keep it safe). The locket can also be used to take in air so that James can breathe under water.

Superego: A White hawk called Vitex that has the same powers as James' ID and can merge with James and give him wing that allow him to fly. While in this form James has more control over the wind to the point that he can create copies of himself out of densified air (though they have no powers other than flight)


Name: Rjoury Bosa (Controlled by Anime-Manga Lover)

Age: 15

Physical Appearance: animebadguy.jpg

Bio: His father died before he was born and his mother died right as he was born. He was sent directly to an orpanage and was barely even treated human. For no reason he was treated with violence. It seamed that everyone hated him and wanted no part of his friendship. Everybody turned their backs and only gave him enough to survive. As he grew into a child he hated everything around him and everything hated him. He ran away as a teen and survived on his suprising survival instincts. Now, as an early adult, he is in great condition and is very deadly. He discovered his abilities not long ago in a battle against a bear that almost had him killed. The doctor contacted him by entering his mind and leaving a message that he received in a dream.

Personality: Cruel and Ruthless.

ID: His ID is a giant, 5' long, double sided katana with electric and fire abilities. Sometimes it will unstiffen and try to attack its holder like a snake would.

Egos: He has chest plating that gives him 100% protection over his torso and a back part to it that does the same. It looks like samuri armor and can only be removed by a SuperEgo.

Superego: His SuperEgo is a giant blood-red bear that has the same personality as Rjoury. Its abilities are fire, as you can tell by his color. And this bear has remarkably strong, not to mention long, claws and jaws.


Name: Zeke Tranis (Controlled by KWLegend)

Age: 13

Physical Appearance: Anime-guy.jpg

Bio: Zeke became and orphane after his parents found out he could lift things with his mind. Zeke never had any friends so he was alone for years. Then he got a phone call that someone was taking him. A friendly doctor.

Personality: Zeke is shy and timid. He usualy stays alone but is trustworthy.

ID: A boomerang with insriptians wich say (Like this boomirang, life will come back to haunt you.) It can cut threw anything, including wind and will alwase come back to only Zeke

Egos: A belt that alowe Zeke to jump high (Uo to 5 feet) and breath underwater. It also lets him camophlagh with his suroundings.

Superego: A Falcon with razer sharp claws and beak. Unlike Zeke, this Eagle is light-headed and rushes into attack to rapidly. It is like his brother and pushes Zeke to be stonger. It can carry heavy louds (Up to 120 pounds (Is that godmoding?)) he is very quick (100MPH)


Name: Heikichi Murasame (Controlled by Otaku-Sama)

Age: 10

Physical Appearance: Bright red hair down to his calves tied into a ponytail. Red eyes the same colour as his hair. Pale skin. Thin frame.

Bio: Heikichi first discovered his abilities when he was 4. He would often project himself without even knowing it, stressing his parents almost to the point of nervous breakdown on multiple occasions due to the comatose state during astral projection. He befriended his SuperEgo, Kipo, like a kid would befriend an imaginary friend. As he grew older, he learned to control his astral projection. By the time he was 9, he was flying around with his SuperEgo and reading his friend's minds. He would often project himself during class so he could explore, but despite not paying attention, he always did decent in class. When Dr. Seinhiem got word of a kid who went back and forth from a coma, he knew that Heikichi was an ESPer. He contacted his parents, claiming to be an government official and took Heikichi from his home.

Personality: He is very sheltered and naive. He is quite cheery, but prefers to be in his projected state.

ID: His weapon is a bo staff. It grows as he grows, constantly maintaining the optimal fighting length. It is very mischevious and often bounces away from Heikichi to cause trouble.

Egos: Heikichi can fly and perform complicated aerial manouvers while projected.

Superego: His super ego is name Kipo. Kipo takes the form of a small fairy like humanoid. Kipo controls fire and ice through his wand. He is Heikichi's constant companion and while projected, Heikichi and Kipo are inseperable.


Name: Zarkus Syuren (Controlled by Nightmare Zarkus)

Age: 16

Physical Appearance: vmvyvs.jpg

Bio: Lived your typical life until he discovered his powers at the age of 10. No terrible past, but the Good Doctor took note of his immense potential. He "befriended" the Orochi shortly after, if you would call it that. The Orochi doesn't particularly like him, although he aknowledges Zarkus's proficiency at using his abilities.

Personality: Usually a cheerful person when you get to know him, but otherwise keeps to himslf

ID: Dual-Wielding 1890s pistols that allow him to channel one power of the Orochi each. Unlike Zarkus, the pistols keep to themselves and are usually quiet.

Egos: The shoes that he gains in this form allow him to float midair, and teleport.

Superego: Orochi, the gigantic 8 headed serpent. Posesses the powers of Light, Darkness, Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Chaos, and Order. Chaos is basically a "burst attack" that allows him to fire his other power at 2 times its normal strength, but is hard to control. In contrast, Order gives him a larger amount of control over the other power, but weakens it. Upon merging with Zarkus, all of these powers are fully granted to him. Saved as a last ditch effort however, as he can only hold it for a short amount of time and it injures his body in the process.

Superego: Orochi, the gigantic 8 headed serpent. Posesses the powers of Light, Darkness, Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Chaos, and Order. Chaos is basically a "burst attack" that allows him to fire his other power at 2 times its normal strength, but is hard to control. In contrast, Order gives him a larger amount of control over the other power, but weakens it. Upon merging with Zarkus, all of these powers are fully granted to him. Saved as a last ditch effort however, as he can only hold it for a short amount of time and it injures his body in the process.


Name: David Hestler (Controlled by Evilfusion)

Age: 18

Appearance: Average build. Not particular muscular, but not weak either. Has black hair down to his neck and emerald green eyes. Wears blue jeans and a black, unbuttoned jacket over a green T-shirt that matches his eyes.

Bio: Lived with his grandparents after his parents died in a car accident. At the age of 12 he was arrested for shoplifting, but that's the only mark on his record. He first discovered his powers when he was walking in a mall with his friends and started hearing the thoughts of others. He spent some time trying to search for information with this ability and was unhappy that he could not. He received a letter in the mail from a psychiatrist less than two weeks after discovering this ability.

Personality: Very serious, prefers small groups to avoid picking up a bombardment of thoughts. Not a loner, but not particularly outgoing. Clever and not afraid of proving it. Can be quite scathing or sarcastic when he feels like it.

ID: A small sword with a jeweled handle. The sword blade can be extended to about 5 feet and when swung can conjure elemental energy, although so far only ice has been managed. The sword is very aggressive when around hostile emotions and will extend or shrink when 'angry' or 'afraid'.

Egos: A black hooded cape that allows him to perform acrobatical maneuvers and a blue scarf worn over his mouth that slowly heals injuries.

Superego: A large, two headed green snake. Often rides coiled around his arm, the two heads have different personalities and squabble frequently over anything. They refer to themselves as Venom and Toxic, but seem indecisive on who is which. The heads and body regenerate if damaged, as long as one head remains intact.




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Cool :D

Name: Zeke Tranis

Age: 13

Physical Appearance: Anime-guy.jpg

Bio: Zeke became and orphane after his parents found out he could lift things with his mind. Zeke never had any friends so he was alone for years. Then he got a phone call that someone was taking him. A friendly doctor.

Personality: Zeke is shy and timid. He usualy stays alone but is trustworthy.

ID: A boomerang with insriptians wich say (Like this boomirang, life will come back to haunt you.) It can cut threw anything, including wind and will alwase come back to only Zeke

Egos: A belt that alowe Zeke to jump high (Uo to 5 feet) and breath underwater. It also lets him camophlagh with his suroundings.

Superego: A Chameleon that can camoplaghe and shapeshift into most things. He is like Zeke, shy and timid. But if he bits you, you temprorarily loose controll of your muscles and they move freely. When combine with Leon, Zeke can Disapear giving him an advantage. He can also walk up walls and roofs but is hard to controll.

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Name: Rjoury Bosa

Age: 15

Physical Appearance: [spoiler=me] animebadguy.jpg


Bio: His father died before he was born and his mother died right as he was born. He was sent directly to an orpanage and was barely even treated human. For no reason he was treated with violence. It seamed that everyone hated him and wanted no part of his friendship. Everybody turned their backs and only gave him enough to survive. As he grew into a child he hated everything around him and everything hated him. He ran away as a teen and survived on his suprising survival instincts. Now, as an early adult, he is in great condition and is very deadly. He discovered his abilities not long ago in a battle against a bear that almost had him killed. The doctor contacted him by entering his mind and leaving a message that he received in a dream.

Personality: Cruel and Ruthless.

ID: His ID is a giant, 5' long, double sided katana with electric and fire abilities. Sometimes it will unstiffen and try to attack its holder like a snake would.

Egos: He has chest plating that gives him 100% protection over his torso and a back part to it that does the same. It looks like samuri armor and can only be removed by a SuperEgo.

Superego: His SuperEgo is a giant blood-red bear that has the same personality as Rjoury. Its abilities are fire, as you can tell by his color. And this bear has remarkably strong, not to mention long, claws and jaws.

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I'm a join up now! =3


Name: Heikichi Murasame

Age: 10

Physical Appearance: Bright red hair down to his calves tied into a ponytail. Red eyes the same colour as his hair. Pale skin. Thin frame.

Bio: Heikichi first discovered his abilities when he was 4. He would often project himself without even knowing it, stressing his parents almost to the point of nervous breakdown on multiple occasions due to the comatose state during astral projection. He befriended his SuperEgo, Kipo, like a kid would befriend an imaginary friend. As he grew older, he learned to control his astral projection. By the time he was 9, he was flying around with his SuperEgo and reading his friend's minds. He would often project himself during class so he could explore, but despite not paying attention, he always did decent in class. When Dr. Seinhiem got word of a kid who went back and forth from a coma, he knew that Heikichi was an ESPer. He contacted his parents, claiming to be an government official and took Heikichi from his home.

Personality: He is very sheltered and naive. He is quite cheery, but prefers to be in his projected state.

ID: His weapon is a bo staff. It grows as he grows, constantly maintaining the optimal fighting length. It is very mischevious and often bounces away from Heikichi to cause trouble.

Egos: Heikichi can fly and perform complicated aerial manouvers while projected.

Superego: His super ego is name Kipo. Kipo takes the form of a small fairy like humanoid. Kipo controls fire and ice through his wand. He is Heikichi's constant companion and while projected, Heikichi and Kipo are inseperable.

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Name: Zarkus Syuren

Age: 16

Physical Appearance: vmvyvs.jpg

Bio: Lived your typical life until he discovered his powers at the age of 10. No terrible past, but the Good Doctor took note of his immense potential. He "befriended" the Orochi shortly after, if you would call it that. The Orochi doesn't particularly like him, although he aknowledges Zarkus's proficiency at using his abilities.

Personality: Usually a cheerful person when you get to know him, but otherwise keeps to himslf

ID: Dual-Wielding 1890s pistols that allow him to channel one power of the Orochi each. Unlike Zarkus, the pistols keep to themselves and are usually quiet.

Egos: The shoes that he gains in this form allow him to float midair, and teleport.

Superego: Orochi, the gigantic 8 headed serpent. Posesses the powers of Light, Darkness, Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Chaos, and Order. Chaos is basically a "burst attack" that allows him to fire his other power at 2 times its normal strength, but is hard to control. In contrast, Order gives him a larger amount of control over the other power, but weakens it. Upon merging with Zarkus, all of these powers are fully granted to him. Saved as a last ditch effort however, as he can only hold it for a short amount of time and it injures his body in the process.

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Name: David Hestler

Age: 18

Appearance: Average build. Not particular muscular, but not weak either. Has black hair down to his neck and emerald green eyes. Wears blue jeans and a black, unbuttoned jacket over a green T-shirt that matches his eyes.

Bio: Lived with his grandparents after his parents died in a car accident. At the age of 12 he was arrested for shoplifting, but that's the only mark on his record. He first discovered his powers when he was walking in a mall with his friends and started hearing the thoughts of others. He spent some time trying to search for information with this ability and was unhappy that he could not. He received a letter in the mail from a psychiatrist less than two weeks after discovering this ability.

Personality: Very serious, prefers small groups to avoid picking up a bombardment of thoughts. Not a loner, but not particularly outgoing. Clever and not afraid of proving it. Can be quite scathing or sarcastic when he feels like it.

ID: A small sword with a jeweled handle. The sword blade can be extended to about 5 feet and when swung can conjure elemental energy, although so far only ice has been managed. The sword is very aggressive when around hostile emotions and will extend or shrink when 'angry' or 'afraid'.

Egos: A black hooded cape that allows him to perform acrobatical maneuvers and a blue scarf worn over his mouth that slowly heals injuries.

Superego: A large, two headed green snake. Often rides coiled around his arm, the two heads have different personalities and squabble frequently over anything. They refer to themselves as Venom and Toxic, but seem indecisive on who is which. The heads and body regenerate if damaged, as long as one head remains intact.

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