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Monsters: 20

3x Caius the Shadow Monarch

2x Razia the Storm Monarch


3x Deep Sea Diva

3x Spined Gillman

1x Atlantean Pikeman (I dunno, I like armory arm)

3x Gravekeepers Spy

1x Treeborn Frog

1x Plaguespreader Zombie

3x Deckoichi the Battle Chanted Locomotive


Spells: 13

1x Salvage

2x Allure of Darkness

1x Enemy Controller

3x Book of Moon

1x Brain Control

1x Monster Reborn

2x Foolish Burial

1x Heavy Storm

1x Mystical Space Typhoon


Traps: 7

3x Solemn Judgement

3x Threatening Roar

1x Torrential Tribute


I love Deep Sea Diva as much as Akira likes Black Salvo. And that's a fricken lot.


I nearly have my playset of missprints (2/3 so far) the title is all stuffed up and the opnes are have so far have exactly the same missprint. ;D


I will make IRL once I think of something instead of solemn.


Oh and the extra is:


Extra: 15

3x Magical Android

2x Armory Arm

2x Stardust Dragon

1x Red Dragon Archfiend

1x Goyo Guardian

2x Gaia Knight, Force of the Earth

3x Dark Strike Fighter

1x Black Rose Dragon

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Looks cool.

As for replacing Solemn, maybe PWWB, Bribe, D-Wrath, or something like?

I nearly have my playset of missprints (2/3 so far) the title is all stuffed up and the opnes are have so far have exactly the same missprint. ;D


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You don't need to run Solemn, just use this for a standard Monarch trap lineup:


3X Bottomless Trap Hole

2X Generic Discard Trap [PWWB, Wrath, Whatever - works for Plague and Frog]

1X Torrential Tribute

1X Mirror Force


Then put Threatening Roars and Lightning Vortexes in the side deck for when you need them. This way, you wont be wasting passive cards when you're up against more defensive players who don't swarm so much.


Also, add Sangan, and either drop 1 Spy for 1 Guard or find room for the Guard on it's own.

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