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Obliteration of The One Winged Angel Role Play: Beginning in Salvation! |RP killed!| Lock.

Chaotic Angel

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"Argh! The wrong type of Ron!" Ron said as the dark side of Ron's heart third-partied and fought both sides, sending Roxas flying first. Ron kicked Sephiroth out of his way and said: "The dark side.. Be gone!" while the dark side of Ron turned the sky black and fought Saskuto Ron said: "I have an evil mind? Argh!" while he was suffocating at the same time. The Dark side of Ron killed the real Ron in one hit, making him die in silence.

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Saskuto saw Dark Ron kill Ron and he released his power."ARGHHHHH!!!!DARK RON!!!!SEPHIROTH!!!!YOU BOTH ARE GOING TO DIE WHERE YOU STAND!!!!!!!" Now instead of him being One Winged Devil he was the Angevil.He had a devil wing on his right side and a angel wing on the left side.His appearance was a cross between himself,Cloud,and Sephiroth.

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OoC: I would like to point out to your club banner. I just noticed a mistake: It said "Offial" rather than "Official" You might wanna ask your Club Leader to fix that.


IC: The dark side of Ron said: "No, it is you that's gonna pay.." and Dark Ron turns into Sephiroth's side. Sephiroth said: "If you don't wanna end up like Ron, I suggest you run, right now!" and kills Sonic in his silence. Roxas landed straight and stabbed Sephiroth with his Golden Oblivion and Silver Oathkeeper. Roxas bent down and said: "That.. Was easy.." while he puts his weapons away and leaves the Duel Academy.

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"No. Die." Dark Ron said as he attempts to slice Saskuto in the throat, but then Cagalli appeared and gets killed herself. Dark Ron said: "Cagalli.. Saskuto must pay!" whilst he threw Ron's dead body at Saskuto, pushing him further to the Academy. Crowler appeared and said: "Uchigya! How many times do I have to tell you NOT to skip school!?" while he threw Ron's dead body out and issued Saskuto a detention.

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Then Dark Ron crawls back into Ron's heart, but Ron isn't really dead, he just fell into a deep slumber, as always. Nick saw the whole thing from the church and comes to the Duel Academy. He carried Ron to his throne in the Galaxy of Nothing and puts him in one of his pods. Nick said: "Just like the usual, wait for Ron to wake up again, if he doesn't wake up.. Then we have problems.."

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Nick said: "Ron's evil side of the heart? Well, we already have a problem here.." while he researches everything and there was no answer. Ron started moving, but didn't quite open his eyes. Nick saw the whole thing, but studies on Ron's research throughout the whole day. He then said to Saskuto: "Just go home, I'll bring back the results tommorow.." while he takes some rest and researches the evil side of Ron.

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Yuki's ghost appears in front of Saskuto and said: "Hey there, well.. The fight with Sephiroth and all that crap.. I believed he was responsible for that Geo-Stigma thing aswell.. But tell my bro tommorow that: The True Salvation appeared right near where you lived when you were a kid!" while she disappeared and leaves a note for Saskuto to keep for Nick. Another day passes and Nick calls Saskuto to his throne. The reasons are unknown right now.

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Nick said: "What? HOLY CRAP! Not this beast!" and ran for the True Salvation. Ron's kids saw Nick run and they followed. After a while, Ron woke up and said: "What's all this racket? True Salvation, eh?" and made his move to the True Salvation. He said: "Great, not as pleasing as be--" while he gets turned into dust by the True Salvation's Salvation Beam. Nick said: "Ron! No, you're not ready for this!"

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Nick said: "Great, this thing disappeared and.. Uh.. I'm not sure.." and walks back home. Before this, Nick finds a way to reverse the dust, as it looked mutated. Nick said: "This thing's mutated, I'm not sure if we're gonna reverse it on time.." while he researched the mutated dust and brings the results to the science lab, where experiments take place. One of the scientists said: "Well, well.. I don't think it's reversable at all.."

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The scientists gave no answers on how to reverse the dust. But then the tactics on how to reverse it has been exposed. Nick said: "That poison! We need to suck that one with something before we get turned into mutated dust aswell as Ron!" while the scientists suck the poison and then reversed the dust. Ron woke up and said: "What? Mutated dust? Tell me, what's going on?" while he coughs up blood.

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Ron leaves and goes to his place. He said: "Well, sucking the poison, it gets absorbed to me! Ugh! Why do people have to do this!?" while Nick said: "The True Salvation, I think it's mutated. Mutated dust cannot be reversed without professional help!" while the scientists agreed and Ron still carries on walking. Ron goes to his library and read bits about the mutated True Salvation, but no answers are exposed.

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"Hmm? You called an expert? The expert is nothing but me! Only I know everything! Even how to reverse the mutated dust!" Ron said as he looks for more answers in one of his books. Nick came to the library as a librarian and said: "Get outta here before you get shot! Well, only kidding! Grab a book and get out when you're done!" while Ron replied: "Nick, I didn't think you're one idiotic librarian.. I was one of them once.."

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Ron said to Saskuto: "You need to learn some of the moves? Those are just pranks made by delinquents from another world.." while he leaves the library and researches on mutated beings. Ron said: "Okay, we need to research on the mutated True Salvation and all that crap! Because I need to put a stop to all of those! Just watch!" while he took out his wing and flew off. Nick saw the whole thing and also started researching.

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"I'm informed of this already, Ron's just doing his stuff. The True Salvation is NO MORE!" Nick replied as the world started to tremble. Nick said: "NO! That's Ron's dark side of the heart, AWAKENING!!" and ran to Ron. When Nick arrived, Ron was unconscious and Dark Ron stabbed Nick and sent him flying. The world trembles even more and Dark Ron started becoming stronger and started being immune to being sent flying and Instant Death.

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