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[ORIGINAL STORY] Burned! Title subject to change

Kendo Fish

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As people have said, the prologue is a bad hook. The first chapter should be better. I was just rushing on this. Not saying you should really expect anything insanely special...


I thought of this idea as i was doodling people...and, well, that's all I have to say. Enjoy?


Rated PG-13, I guess, for mild language.


[spoiler=Prologue]As Lyndsey wrote in her diary that day...


Dear Diary...


Bored, bored, bored...

bored bored bored

bored bored bored


BORED!!! Does this trip ever end?

I think I'll fall over if I have to stand up any longer! especially when they're talking for as long as this.

I hope I never go on a trip like this again.

And this place is scary...I mean, there are supernatural happenings here! What kind of place is that for a class of eight-graders!?!?

OWW! My head hurts now. Can't write much more. Burning. Telling the teacher.


~ Lyndsey Nolan



Woah, that's not very long. Comments on this so far...!?

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If the character's scared, write about the happenings, and if she's brave, write about what happened anyway, and then none of the words would be 'bored', unless-

I was so bored until, ________

Okay, I've had enough of this, just when I was starting to get bored, __________

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I realized it was a bad prologue some time after typing it. I think I should have started with the first chapter, which isn't even done yet. O_O


I still have the basic plot figured out, only it needs some straightening out and such. But I have a lot of free typing time this week, so yah.

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