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New Wave of Jump Cards - Chosen by YOU!

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Most likely people will vote for dandy lion. Why, they liek the fact that they can have a monster form of scapegoats, I mean Block man already exist, but he's kinda slow. But for agroo decks yeah, My Hydro attacks dandylion, now the rest attack's the tokens. Woot Life saved so now i can use my vortex. XP Me i like card Blocker. But i doubt people would actualy vote for him.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Arcana Knight Joker: 1/5 playability. 5/5 value. My rating: 6/10

Armityle' date=' the Chaos Phantom: 0/5 playabitily. 7/5 (yes, 7/5) value. My rating 7/10

Beast King Barbaros: 4/5 playability. 3/5 value. My raitng 7/10

Big Saturn: 1/5 playability. 3/5 value. My rating: 4/10

Card Blocker: 5/5 playability. 5/5 value. My rating: 10/10

Chimeratech Fortress Dragon: 2/5 playability. 3/5 value. My rating: 5/10

Cold Enchanter: 0/5 playablity. 1/5 value. My rating: 1/10

Dandylion: 8/5 playability. 6/5 value. My rating: 14/10

Exodius, the Ultimate Forbidden One: 4/5 playability. 7/5 value. My rating: 11/10

Fiendish Motor Ω: 1/5 playablily. 1/5 value. My rating: 2/10

Goka, the Pyre of Malice: 3/5 playablilty. 3/5 value. My rating: 6/10

Greed Quasar: 2/5 playablilty. 1/5 value. My rating: 3/10

Ice Blizzard Master: 1/5 playabilty. 1/5 value. My rating: 2/5

Mosaic Manticore: 3/5 playability. 4/5 value. My rating: 7/10

Puppet King: 0/5 playability. 3/5 value. My rating: 3/10

Splendid Venus: 1/5 playability. 2/5 value. My rating: 3/10

Summon Priest: 12/5 playability. 5/5 value. My rating: 17/10

Toy Magician: 2/5 playability. 4/5 value. My rating: 6/10

White Night Dragon: 3/5 playability. 5/5 value. My rating: 8/10

Zeta Reticulant: 3/5 playability. 3/5 value. My rating: 6/10


1st : Summon Priest

2nd : Dandylion

3rd : Exodius, the Ultimate Forbidden One

4th : Card Blocker

5th : White Knight Dragon



Same here

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