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New Wave of Jump Cards - Chosen by YOU!

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i went with

1) Armityle (because as if this is goign to be relased in a booster pack)

2) Arcana (same as Armityle, the Royal Knights havent been used since Yugioh DM, therefore, never being relased)

3) Beast King (for POWER!)

4) Exodius (Cause i just love it)

5) White Night Dragon (Because it is an overpowered BEWD... What more do you want :P)

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You can vote to your heart's content so its not a 1 time deal to vote.


Here are my votes:


1. Summon Priest (Gets cheap level 4 creatures out)

2. Mosaic Manticore (Has a reviving ability on things used for tribute)

3. Greed Quaser (Gets bigger with every monster it destroys.)

4. Goka, the Pyre of Malice (Makes a token and can sac it to add +500 ATK to itself)

5. Chimertech Fortress Dragon (Gets big)

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The Chimeratech dragon will kill the previous one, unless you use both in the F.Deck and use it when they are done. Exodius seems (cough) overpowered. The cards are all coll except Dandylion.


Arcana Knight Joker looks so cool along with all the other picks...I want it to go with another card effect. =) Instead of being a fusion.

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Arcana Knight Joker: 1/5 playability. 5/5 value. My rating: 6/10

Armityle, the Chaos Phantom: 0/5 playabitily. 7/5 (yes, 7/5) value. My rating 7/10

Beast King Barbaros: 4/5 playability. 3/5 value. My raitng 7/10

Big Saturn: 1/5 playability. 3/5 value. My rating: 4/10

Card Blocker: 5/5 playability. 5/5 value. My rating: 10/10

Chimeratech Fortress Dragon: 2/5 playability. 3/5 value. My rating: 5/10

Cold Enchanter: 0/5 playablity. 1/5 value. My rating: 1/10

Dandylion: 8/5 playability. 6/5 value. My rating: 14/10

Exodius, the Ultimate Forbidden One: 4/5 playability. 7/5 value. My rating: 11/10

Fiendish Motor Ω: 1/5 playablily. 1/5 value. My rating: 2/10

Goka, the Pyre of Malice: 3/5 playablilty. 3/5 value. My rating: 6/10

Greed Quasar: 2/5 playablilty. 1/5 value. My rating: 3/10

Ice Blizzard Master: 1/5 playabilty. 1/5 value. My rating: 2/5

Mosaic Manticore: 3/5 playability. 4/5 value. My rating: 7/10

Puppet King: 0/5 playability. 3/5 value. My rating: 3/10

Splendid Venus: 1/5 playability. 2/5 value. My rating: 3/10

Summon Priest: 12/5 playability. 5/5 value. My rating: 17/10

Toy Magician: 2/5 playability. 4/5 value. My rating: 6/10

White Night Dragon: 3/5 playability. 5/5 value. My rating: 8/10

Zeta Reticulant: 3/5 playability. 3/5 value. My rating: 6/10


1st : Summon Priest

2nd : Dandylion

3rd : Exodius, the Ultimate Forbidden One

4th : Card Blocker

5th : White Knight Dragon

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