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The game will utilize a new server architecture to support online battles with up to 256 players, with users divided into 8-player squads, with 4 squads forming a platoon, and 4 platoons forming a company. Each squad will be led by a player who has advanced through the game's ranking system. Character statistics and development will also increase with frequent gameplay. The players most advanced in rank will be able to either direct the battle or participate directly in combat.

Basic battles will take place within ongoing, faction-based campaigns to encourage the player to actively play. The game will contain three factions: S.V.E.R (pronounced Sever), a group of war torn countries; Raven, a futuristic group who wear black armor and sport high-tech weaponry; and Valor, a military force with gear similar to the US army. The game's E3 unveiling trailer featured large landscapes, tactics such as air strikes and parachuting, and a variety of vehicles, from tanks and APCs to airplanes. The game will boast complete ground up class creating with weapon attachments and perks such as explosives. Also, players will be able to customize their characters including face, voice, and armor. The game will be a first-person shooter.

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48RMUK9aXl4]Teaser Trailer[/url]
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wow, first that 60 player Resistance 2, and now this? Getting rather large.


Looks pretty damn awesome. I do enjoy the 'squad' idea, it's been used effectively in those other games and should work here to make the game a mix of smaller and MASSIVE battles going on. The well-armed lambs charging forward, the snipers waiting behind, the slightly more intelligent people (or the survivors of the first wave) finding cover to continue shooting.


I do wonder if it will let you pilot and parachute out of the aircrafts in gameplay and shoot people as you fall. EPIC. Also, with so many people, they could make humongous mechs with numerous people controlling all the bristling turrets... Don't see any mechs, but it's a nice thought. And there does seem to be other cool stuff.


Yeah, I suppose while you can take out friendly fire, you can't take out Leeroy Jenkins.


So yeah, looks awesome, can't wait to hear more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

but the graphics and since it's online. hackers, laggers, noobs, all suck.


aint lookin forward to it.


but the concept was pretty good idea.


but youll probably have to have some kind of uber internetz.


i even play CoD4 on 4 bars and i still lag...


why cant it happen here?

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Guest Lily

Cant wait for this. It's gonna be a revolutionary day for gaming when this comes out. Gonna play all ma friends on this when it comes out (which is around 139 friends)

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Parachuting? Airstrikes? It's beginning to sound better and better.


This could be wrong, but i've heard that there are suppose to be 'commanders', who don't fight but order troops around and such, I do wonder if they are the ones putting the airstrikes and parachuting into place. Or perhaps soldiers can put down a beacon or something for it.

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[align=center]Okay. Reading the E3 for 360 I can now conclude:


PS3 - 1

360 - 1





PS3 gets 1 because of 1 MMOFPS and 360 get 1 because of everything in that thread.







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Lol' date=' lets see how well the 360's Host Connection will do with 256 players.





Isnt it the PS3 that has laggy connection?


Does it? I rarely have problems with Resistance 2, and it has 60 player games. Although I must admit to the odd lag or two.


Never really bothered comparing, all the consoles have their pluses, and looking at negatives just gets in the way.


But as for the game... I wonder just how many classes it has? Considering the amount of people per game, I do hope it has a lot to choose from and customizability within them. Don't want a ton of people with only three rock-paper-scissor classes duking it out. Wouldn't feel quite as good...


Oh, and one thing that made me go YES was that there are three teams. While it doesn't mean that there will be three-way battles, it is a nice thought, i've always enjoyed them. Although the feeling isn't with everyone, i'm sure.

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Lol' date=' lets see how well the 360's Host Connection will do with 256 players.





Isnt it the PS3 that has laggy connection?


Does it? I rarely have problems with Resistance 2, and it has 60 player games. Although I must admit to the odd lag or two.



I heard wrong.



All the consoles have their pluses' date=' and looking at negatives just gets in the way.



My favourite quote of the whole Video-Games Section.

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Never really bothered comparing' date=' all the consoles have their pluses, and looking at negatives just gets in the way.


First off, AMEN to that.


I wasn't critisicing a console or anything, I was just poking fun at the frustration that host connections presents sometimes.

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That is a good point. Perhaps I was overly-defensive.


So... I looked at some MAG stuff on Wikipedia and reference number three.


"The players most advanced in rank will be able to either direct the battle or participate directly in combat".

"Everyone is in the field," Orange said, "but the person in charge is capable of looking at the map and commanding the overall group or individual troops. He is also capable of things like airstrikes and parachute drops. He could either control and babysit from far back, or jump right into the action [with a weapon himself.]"


So only the high ranked people can do air strikes and such. Both a blessing and a curse.



One thing that saddened me from the reference on wiki:

"There will be no third-party intercessions on any battles"

No 3-way FFA. Some will be relieved though, i'm sure.

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Oh, and i found something else. It seems that Commanders can issue orders to the lower ranks. And while they don't HAVE to do them. Following the orders grants you more experience, a nice incentive I thought.


And the objectives are more then 'kill everyone in this area'. e.g. planting charges on mounted gun turrets, then protecting them from being defused.


Edit: And while there are not classes, you can use the experience to gain different abilities that ou have a decent amount of choices for supposedly

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