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In response to all the hate directed towards Magic Cylinder

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I never really got it. So many of you are so dead-set against Magic Cylinder, but why?


Solemn's STILL around, DSF's cut down on the number of people running them, sure, but this Cylinder can help punish those that DO run Solemn even more.


Mario Matheu T16'd SJC Anaheim, the SJC with the most contestants ever. He ran Magic Cylinder. He mained it.


Sure it's not the best trap ever, but it isn't terrible. It's far from it. Stardust can't do anything about it, if you manage to hit a Synchro with it you can cut about a 3rd of your opponent's starting LP. In a game where reducing your opponent's LP to 0 wins you the game, that's pretty good last I checked.


Yeah it's not chainable, but neither are many playable Traps. Mirror, Prison, Oppression, Skill Drain, just to name a few.


So guys? Why the hate? Why the "stopped reading at"s? Why the "OH THANK GOD, A NEW MEMBER WHO DOESN'T USE CYLINDER"s? Why the "only noobs run Magic Cylinder"s?


This means you Armadilloz, but you're not the only one.

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It is ok. BUT THERE ARE SO MANY CARDS THAT STOP ATTACKS WAY BETTER! and we would rather save our own buts then try to blow out somebody life points. Even if you remove chainability from the equation alot of cards are still better

Threatening:Stops 1 or more attacks. This stops ony1

2.Mirror:Destruction effect and stops all attacks. Sure Stardust may stop it but that still absorbs Stardusts 2500 for the turn

3.Negate Attack:Stops all attacks,, this stops one. And when Negate Attack is better you know you have failed

And the burn really dosent matter, again we would rather save our own buts first. If we take more damage from not stopping all opponets attacks then WE are more likely to get taken out by DSF. When your being attacked are you thinking "How should I lower my opponets life points so I can DSF?" or are you thinking "How can I save my @$$ from THERE DSF?"

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I never really got it. So many of you are so dead-set against Magic Cylinder' date=' but why?


Solemn's STILL around, DSF's cut down on the number of people running them, sure, but this Cylinder can help punish those that DO run Solemn even more.


Mario Matheu T16'd SJC Anaheim, the SJC with the most contestants ever. He ran Magic Cylinder. He mained it.


Sure it's not the best trap ever, but it isn't terrible. It's far from it. Stardust can't do anything about it, if you manage to hit a Synchro with it you can cut about a 3rd of your opponent's starting LP. In a game where reducing your opponent's LP to 0 wins you the game, that's pretty good last I checked.


Yeah it's not chainable, but neither are many playable Traps. Mirror, Prison, Oppression, Skill Drain, just to name a few.


So guys? Why the hate? Why the "stopped reading at"s? Why the "OH THANK GOD, A NEW MEMBER WHO DOESN'T USE CYLINDER"s? Why the "only noobs run Magic Cylinder"s?


This means you Armadilloz, but you're not the only one.



You're BACK!


Anyway, I'm really happy someone finally said I've been afraid to say for Months. I knew that if I said it, I would get called a n00b. Now, just because Polaris thinks that Magic Cylinder is a decent enough card, does that make him a n00b? Does it? And if it does, does it make him a TCG player? No.

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It is ok. BUT THERE ARE SO MANY CARDS THAT STOP ATTACKS WAY BETTER! and we would rather save our own buts then try to blow out somebody life points. Even if you remove chainability from the equation alot of cards are still better

Threatening:Stops 1 or more attacks. This stops ony1

2.Mirror:Destruction effect and stops all attacks. Sure Stardust may stop it but that still absorbs Stardusts 2500 for the turn

3.Negate Attack:Stops all attacks' date=', this stops one. And when Negate Attack is better you know you have failed

And the burn really dosent matter, again we would rather save our own buts first. If we take more damage from not stopping all opponets attacks then WE are more likely to get taken out by DSF. When your being attacked are you thinking "How should I lower my opponets life points so I can DSF?" or are you thinking "How can I save my @$$ from THERE DSF?"



The attack negation's not the main benefit, the burn is. Usually we'll be playing Cylinder in Decks that can maintain field presence fairly well, like Mario's build or something along the lines of Samurai's. Hell, maybe even BWs. This way the single attack's all we'll need to negate.


Sure, there are recognizable reasons for it to no be the staple it once was, but it's still pretty good tech. At least, it shouldn't get all the hate it gets.

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It is ok. BUT THERE ARE SO MANY CARDS THAT STOP ATTACKS WAY BETTER! and we would rather save our own buts then try to blow out somebody life points. Even if you remove chainability from the equation alot of cards are still better

Threatening:Stops 1 or more attacks. This stops ony1

2.Mirror:Destruction effect and stops all attacks. Sure Stardust may stop it but that still absorbs Stardusts 2500 for the turn

3.Negate Attack:Stops all attacks' date=', this stops one. And when Negate Attack is better you know you have failed

And the burn really dosent matter, again we would rather save our own buts first. If we take more damage from not stopping all opponets attacks then WE are more likely to get taken out by DSF. When your being attacked are you thinking "How should I lower my opponets life points so I can DSF?" or are you thinking "How can I save my @$$ from THERE DSF?"



This may be right but the way people talk Magic Cilynder makes us thing the card is terrible which is not...They way The guys that follow Amradilloz anti cilynder crusade..which I find anoying...is like say: "Oh you play cilynder you surely must run "Insert name of Non effect ritual monster" without even the ritual..."...It is offensive and unnecesary...

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Again, I would rather protect than burn. I would rarely play this even in Samuris (although I have never built a Samuri deck and only tagged with them once) But yes it still has uses, it shouldnt be totally hated on its just not that useful anymore. Maybe if burn becomes better one day this will come back. But i doubt it

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Like I said. Every game needs a butt monkey. Some people choose E-Heros to make fun of (like they oh-so rightly deserve)' date=' some choose Cylinder.

Why they choose Cylinder? Because every newbie on the planet puts it in decks where it doesnt belong >_>



I think that if we need a "butt monkey" as you put it, we should go the Cloudian root. E-Heroes have Little City, Absolute Zero, etc. I really don't see why they've got such a bull's eye on them either tbh. =/


Like, compare E-Heroes to Cloudians. Pretty big difference.

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Because Jaden ran them.

Thats all that needs to be said


We need a new series with an annoying anime kid running LS. =P


E-Heros are still Tier-2. maybe even 3.....Cloudians are Tier-999999999999999999999999 though....


Yeah' date=' and yet E-Heroes are seen as the typical "LOLNOOB DECK". =/


1. Blair ran them in TF3... although I dont find her annoying >_>

2. People aknowledge a good Hero deck. Typical Hero decks suck. Always.

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Well the ting about E-Heros and Cloudians being made fun of though is that little kids have seen the GX seiris and fall in gay love with Jaden and his heros so they want to emulate him and build a terribad E-hero build. Then theres a ton of bad E-Hero decks but nobody even TRYS to build Cloudians so they are pretty much forgotten. And I see either an already built terribad n00b E-Hero deck or a kid trying to build one at every one of my locals

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I agree Magic Cilinder is a good card :)


Why not add to the discussion this?:

If Magic Cilinder was unlimited or semi-limited' date=' how would that change things?



We would see a slight rise in lol burn decks, an increase in anti-burn side deck cards, and lastly more Seven Tools of the Bandit

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Like I said. Every game needs a butt monkey. Some people choose E-Heros to make fun of (like they oh-so rightly deserve)' date=' some choose Cylinder.

Why they choose Cylinder? Because every newbie on the planet puts it in decks where it doesnt belong >_>



I agree Magic Cilinder is a good card :)


Why not add to the discussion this?:

If Magic Cilinder was unlimited or semi-limited' date=' how would that change things?



We would see a slight rise in burn decks, an increase in anti-burn side deck cards, and lastly more Seven Tools of the Bandit


And that would be good or bad?

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