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Technical Demise[My First Deck!]

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Now, this deck might seem completly random and the cards don't fit together, but i have won over 20 duels with this deck; so thats why i call it Technical Demise.




Monsters: 24


1x Cyber Laser Dragon

1x Hade-Hane

1x Black Luster Soldier

1x Pyramid Turtle

1x Proto-Cyber Dragon

1x The Agent Of Judgement - Saturn

1x XZ - Tank Cannon

1x Dark Necrofear

1x Illusionist Faceless Mage

1x Monkey Monkey King

1x Cyber Twin Dragon

2x Milus Radiant

1x Ojama King

1x Malice Doll Of Demise

1x Andro Sphinx

1x Shien's Footsoldier

1x Infernal Flame Emperor

1x Reaper Of The Cards

1x Paladin Of White Dragon

1x Kuriboh

1x Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower

1x The Trojan Horse

1x Obelisk The Tormentor


Spells: 10


1x Mask Of The Accursed

1x Burial From A Diffrent Dimension

1x White Dragon Ritual

1x Scapegoat

1x Fusion Gate

1x Black Luster Ritual

1x Rain Of Mercy

1x Gaia Power

1x Magical Mallet

1x Monster Reincarnation


Traps: 7


1x Beast Soul Swap

1x Magic Drain

1x Introduction To Gallantry

1x Gift Of The Mystic Elf

1x Waboku

1x Trap Dustshoot

1x Magic Jammer




Now you might think, "how the hell does he use the cards that don't go together?!" Well, thats my secret ;)

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A+ topic. 10/10.


This deck's ingenious' date=' it has combos and stuff in a way that nobody's ever thought of before right? But the randomness is its secret to success. You combined all the best cards from many different Decks to win duels yo!



Thanks, i hope that wasen't sarcasm >.> JK, i don't mind if it was ^_^



Lol I realised your running Obelisk the Tormentor.



Anyways' date=' you HAVE to put all the fusions and sychro's into a different deck called the extra deck.



Ok, i'll do that next time.

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Pros: Not running, like 60 cards....scratch that, if we take the fusions out, you're only at like 38 or 39

Cons: No Theme, No consistency. A rather lackluster lineup of cards.


It seems you like machines....maybe. I suggest trying to build a deck using Geartown (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Geartown) and using a little loopholy type thing where you set a geartown over the first geartown, so it's technically destroyed, then you can summon this beast (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ancient_Gear_Gadjiltron_Dragon) from the deck. There are a whole bunch of other ways to destroy geartown, and since it seems you don't play at the super competitive level, you could probably buy a machine starter deck or two and make a playable ancient gear deck with some consistency.


Oh, and you may want to add some staple type cards: Monster Reborn, Heavy Storm, Threatening Roar, Mystical Space Typhoon, and Brain Control. Also, if you're running machines, Limiter Removal is a staple.


Good luck in future deckbuilding endeavors.


This tut may help, too, explain some basic terms and give a basic dogma for deckbuilding. http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-29715.html

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