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ic: suddenly, proximus wakes up in a hospital bed. he notices that he can't feel one of his legs.

proximus: i thought i died! someone tell me what happened!

ic: just at that time, two people enter the room.

first person: he's awake!

second person: proximus, you are now equiped with a total body cybernetic enhancment suite. there have been rumors that the people known as dark signers are hunting down the origional signers in an attempt to destroy any last bariers to their agenda to bring the earthbound imortals back to power. you musn't die. we don't know where the others are, so you may be the last signer, and our last hope!!!

ooc: yrpo, this is why the transformers ripoff was a plot point. i should have died, and i wanted everyone to take me for dead so i could change my character around a bit. now that its over, i can join in again once i have a chance.

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OOC: Akiza thinks that Izumi is someone named Yuki, who you happen to know.

IC: Fortunately, Izumi starts to stir by now.

"What's with all the racket?" she complains as she sits up.

"Yuki!!!" Akiza cries in happiness, running over to Izumi and hugging her.

"Who?" Izzy groggily asks.

"After all these years...." Akiza sobs, "my lovely daughter has come back to me!!!"

"Wait...WHAT?!?!?" Izumi is now awake, pulling away from Akiza.

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OOC: How dare I what?

IC: Izumi is now shocked and confused at Akiza's revelation.

"You've got it all wrong, Akiza. I'm not your daughter." Izumi tries to explain.

"But you look so much like her..." Akiza protests.

Izzy: "I may not be your daughter by Yusei, but I am a clone of you."

Akiza: "But...how?!?"

Izzy whipped out a knife and cut her self, causing some sort of black oily liquid to spew out.

Izzy: "I'm obviously not your daughter. I'm a cyborg clone of you."

Akiza: "But...what about my daughter?"


Suddenly, Damian remembered something....and had one of the most cliche plot twists in all of animedom...no, wait....cartoondom!!!

A flashback.

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