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OOC: I just got accepted, and their is a duel going on between Nick and DJ that I just interrupted for a second to tell Nick something obvious about his opponent and the earthbound immortals.

IC: "Nick, there is something about the earthbound immortals and some other important things that I must tell you, but only after you win that duel", the young man tells Nick, "My name is Proximus, and from what I know, I am the last living Signer of the Crimson Dragon."

OOC: Please insert gasps here if you want. If there are any other regular Signers in this RP, don't reveal it just yet. Wait until I come across one. I have to go eat right now. Brb.

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ic: drew a card

Nick: no longer will i have this, activate two double summon's, i special summon with it's own effect Grand miracle dragon, then with the effect of double summon i summon star beast-the pawn and now, i release you

ic: Nicks eyes went pure white

Nick: When the world is dark a single light glows in the darkness, may the angel ignite the light in the dark souls



There can only be 1 face-up "Skybound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card. This card cannot be targeted by the effects of Spell or Trap cards. This card can attack directly. You can pay 100 life points to negate the summon of a monster. This card gains 1000 ATK every time you negate the summon of a monster.

Nick: then i activate elixir of immortality and select its target as my skybound immortal


elixir of immortality

effect: Select one monster you control, it gains this effect for 5 of your opponents end phases then this card is destroyed. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. You take no battle damage from battles with this card. This card is not affected by card effects.

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Zarkus was in his room at the time.

"It's only a matter of time until my plan comes to fruition. Unfortunately my true side has been coming out more and more... it must be that dammed second god inside of me. All I need is a Skybound mark, and... it will all come together."

His back was glowing, but he didnt notice.

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Nick: no you don't summon a monster, Helios, Barrier slash


Nicks lp:2000-100=1900

ic: Dj's monster he summoned was destroyed and sent to the graveyard

Nick: for you see, whenever you summon a monster i can pay 100 life points to negate the summon of a monster and destroy it then helios gains 1000 attack

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Zarkus felt an intense pain in his back... another mark was appearing on it. It was the same as the Star, but white.

"Wh-whats going on here! AAAARGH!"

He let off a large light from his back... a sky mark, that of the star, appeared on his back.

"Its like... its being cut into my back..."

Zarkus fainted for a few minutes...

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Zarkus woke up sweating and hyperventilating.

"What... was that?" he said in a tired tone.

His deck was glowing, and he picked up a card out of it.

"A... a Skybound Immortal? What the heck?"

The Dog marking on his arm was all but gone... he now had a Star on both sides of his body.



Skybound Immortal - Superus Terra (Also means higher earth. C wut I did thar?)

Level 10


1000 ATK/ 2000 DEF


There can only be 1 face-up "Skybound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card. This card cannot be targeted by the effects of Spell or Trap cards. This card can attack directly. Your opponent cannot activate card effects during your Battle Phase. Once per turn, you can either double the ATK of this card or have this card gain ATK equal to the current difference in Life Points. Every time a monster is Summoned, this card gains 500 for every monster Summoned.



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