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OOC: I honestly don't know what wall you're talking about, but I'll go along with it.

IC: Izzy helps Damian out of the wall. Damian can't help but notice that, where normal humans have veins underneath their skin, Izzy has veins, wires, and circuitry. She also looks even more like Akiza Izinski, albeit an evil version of her. Her eyes, even with the black sclera, are still warm and affectionate. She also has a glowing dark mark that looks roughly like a tree.

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ooc: I assumed i was inside the tower, D'UH!


Damian kept his mnd on the game.

"Thank you, Izzy. I DRAW" drew. "I..er...Uh-oh..." he looked at his hand - useless Fortune Telling Witch cards. the one he drew:


"Uh-oh...Your fortune the day you draw this card is unhappy.

Lucky number, 5

Lucky color, purple.

Lucky item, sunglasses.

Be Wary of falling things!" he looked around. "What falling things?"




A piece of rock hit Damian on the head.

"OW! Stupid witch...I must end my turn..." he just got down to his hands and knees.

I've lost...

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"Er thanks..." Damian said as he entered, snoring followed soon after. In his dream, Damian was in a dark place, surrounded by groaning monsters and sand. He saw lines everywhere.


Are these...the Nazca Lines? He said. A voice could be heard. Damian recognised it immediately.


Release me...use my card once more...find it in the ruins...and restore my power....


Damian looked angry as he was suddenly hovering above a purple Humminbird line. Aslla! Why do you want me to release you...besides th obvious?!


You witnessed it...your friend is falling...and so too shall the others...you were purified...so maybe THIS will keep you thinking!!



The line glowed so immensly, Damian covered his eyes. When he woke up, he was sweating and pulled up his right sleeve.



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