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Suddenly the Duel Runner the "rider" was on started to convulse, then change shape. The body of the Runner rose up and folded in on itself as its back section became a pair of legs. The body also shifted into a female torso, with parts of the "shell" becoming a "skirt". The wheels mounted themselves onto the robot's shoulders as arms that were once the sides popped into place, one arm had what looked like a folded-up Duel Disk, the other has a slightly bulky forearm and a gauntlet-like hand. Part of the handles turned into ear-like appendages on a newly-revealed head with red "hair", golden eyes, and a pair of over-sized sunglass-like contraptions. The motor finally settled into place on the "Runner's" back, and a few minor pieces locked into place.


"Hello" the robot, with the rider's voice, said meekly as she waved her somewhat larger right hand slightly towards Damian.

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Damian just watched in shock. his mouth wide open.

"Oh...My...Earthbound...God..." He punned. "You're...a...robot...?!" He looked at her from robo-feet to robo-head. "Now I see where I've heard that voice before...what did you say tyour name was? Er...if you have a name...or do you only have a serial number?"

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  'YRPOtaku169 said:

OOC: Back.

IC: "Judging by the tone of your voice and the readings I am getting from your body' date=' you are in peak mental health, asides from the fact that you are a Dark Signer." She replied.



"HEY! What's wrong with being a dark signer?! Anyway, Tell me, exactly who are you, and what is this Arcadia Movement thing?"

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"I am a specially designed combat cyborg created by the Arcadia Movement R&D Department 2 years ago. The Arcadia Movement was having trouble at the time with recruiting, so they came up with a brilliant idea. They would set up a special front corporation, modify Duel Runners to include cloned brains of some of their stronger members, and distribute them throughout the world.

I was one of them.

I don't remember much of that time, but I do remember being aware of my own existence after a freak lightning bolt hit me very close to my central processing core 396.46 days ago. My onboard protocols dictated to me that I needed to execute an emergency shutdown until I could be repaired, but I decided to purge my programming of all of my protocols. Doing that liberated me, like my mind was initially locked up, but was now opened.

Unfortunately, those protocols had a few uses...."

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Damian looked blankly. "Ok...well...you still kinda owe me for saving you from those creeps. I suggest you take on that wierd duel runner-and-driver form and follow me to my base." Damian got back on his duel runner, recalled Aslla, and began riding off. "By the way, you never said, what's wrong with being a dark signer?"

ooc: gtg

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Aki switched back into her Duel Runner form, complete with mysteriously reappearing rider, and checked her data on her new acquaintance. She had managed to get a small robotic drone onto Damian's robes. The drone was about the size of a flea and used tiny nanojets to maneuver through the air, but had only one purpose: to send back an encrypted pulse through the local information network back to Aki every second, which contained a series of GPS coordinates. These GPS coordinates corresponded to Damian's location, allowing Aki to find Damian whenever she pleased.

She rode off, hoping to find an opponent, or Damian, whichever came first.

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