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Dragon cards (some fixed)


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Good cards. Maybe the odd capital letter needs to be added here or there, but that's only if you want to be really picky. The first card's effect is a bit overpowered. It could do with a cost. I would say something more like this:

"Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can pay 500 Life Points to add 1 Level 4 or lower Dragon-Type monster from your Graveyard to your hand."

If you wanted to add any Level of Dragon-Type I'd say you either need to increase the cost of the effect, add an additional cost to summoning or give it a maintenance cost.

I reckon Dragon Firestorm could do with a Tribute cost, so you Tribute a Dragon-Type monster to destroy a face-up monster on the field and inflict the 500 damage.

Dragon's Hidden Eyes could be continuous, either Spell or Trap. It should also not be able to stay on the field when you don't control a face-up Dragon-Type monster. So I would say this:

"This card is destroyed if you don't control a face-up Dragon-Type monster. During your opponent's Draw Phase, before they draw, look at the top card of their Deck. Then place it on the top or bottom of your opponent's Deck."

Finally, Dragon Creast (though I'm sure you mean Dragon Crest) could do with having to Tribute the selected monster and not just select it.


I hope this is helpful to you. Keep up the good work.

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Okay, the pics are amazing!10/10. The effects are pretty good, but some are too powerful. 4.5/5. Grammer was pretty good.4.8/5. Overall I'll give you a 10/10. You got to tell me where did you get the pics. Please. Also I thing Cigem and the armageddon dragon should be god cards. They are really powerful.

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