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~The Dragon Empire~ l Club For The Most Serious Dragon Card Makers l Members Needed!


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If you LOVE dragons and dragon type monsters in yugioh, this is your kind of place. To join, you must post your best Dragon card, and I will rank you by the name, effect (if there is one), and the most important (for this club) the picture. You have to remember, to represent a dragon, you must represent it the most perfect way you can. That means you would want to find a great Dragon pic, overused or not. I'd suggest using one of Father Wolf's pics. Now, the effect, make it balanced, original, interesting, and awesome. I want to see 0 OCG mistakes, it should be flawless. If not, well, you might not get top rank. Now, if you don't have an effect, it's fine. But make the description interesting and not one of those "He'll kill you if you look in his eyes" or something cheesy and crappy like that. Now last, the name. Putting Dragon in a yugioh card name is practically tradition. Very little Dragon cards have Dragon in their name. So I would suggest that. But don't make it too dumb and overused like "Golden Dragon" or something like that. Think original.



Now that I'm done with my crappy speech, We can get on tho ranks. Ranks are how high me and other members would consider you. Only five members will get to be top rank until later. If you prove later on to become a better Card Maker and Dragon-Type card maker, you will get promoted to a higher rank. Now that I'm done, here is everyone and which rank they are in. But first, here are the ranks from top class to bottom. My class will be different. Only five will be worthy enough to be in my class. That is the very top class.


1. Crimson Dragon

2. Stardust Dragon

3. Red Dragon Archfiend

4. Black Rose Dragon

5. Power Tool Dragon

6. Ancient Fairy Dragon



Now, here are the people in each class.



[align=center][spoiler=Crimson Dragon]









[spoiler=Stardust Dragon]



Jake Harper









[spoiler=Red Dragon Archfiend]












[spoiler=Black Rose Dragon]












[spoiler=Power Tool Dragon]












[spoiler=Ancient Fairy Dragon]












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[align=center]Here is my entry card.



[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Special Summoned from your Deck. This monster cannot attack directly. When this card is Summoned, you can tribute 1 WATER monster you control to Special Summon 2 Level 4 or lower WATER monsters from your hand. If you control more WATER monsters than your opponent, discard the top card of your opponent's Deck. Each time this card attacks or is attacked, decrease this card's ATK by 300. If this card is Tribute Summoned by tributing 3 Dragon-Type monsters, draw 2 cards and show them to your opponent. If you draw a Dragon-Type card, Special Summon it (ignoring Summoning conditions) and decrease its ATK by half.


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