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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Soul Stars [PG-13] Episode 3: Light of Death, Started {Basic}


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Zack staggered as he was carried back to the room. "T-tyrant?" Tyrant Dragon nudged his hand. We lost.... Zack nodded. "And for some reason....I can't stop smiling." Tyrant tilted his head. Why? Zack laughed softly. "Cause I have a rival now...." He looked over at Tyrant Dragon. "We have work to do."


OOC: Right back at ya!

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OoC: Didnt see that, I can do two battles. But ill do Geo and Terri first.

Geo and Terri stood at the battle ring. "Just because ime your older sister doesnt mean I wont go easy on you!" "Same here! Lets go Geirfried!" "Come on Dark Magician Girl!" (OoC: Ill start when Zaifire comes baqck on.)

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Guest TheFinalFan

Got it.


Name: Kurushime Kouken [her first name is a portmanteau of "kurushimi" (pain) and "hime" (princess), her last name means "guardian"]

Age: Unknown, but presumed to be late teens-early 20s.

Gender: Female

Physical Description/Picture:


(Black and White)

Silver-white hair and deep-blue eyes. Has a beauty mark on the outside of either eye. Her outfit incorporates a lightweight armor, and includes a fullbody catsuit made out of a self-healing material. Mysteriously, her skin other than her face is riddled with ritualistic tattoos.

Bio: She doesn't remember much of her own past, and in fact doesn't remember her original name. She, interestingly, has a monster that only appears when she experiences negative emotions such as sadness or anger. She went under a mysterious ritual that killed her original monster (St. Joan), but sealed away a more powerful creature. The "scars" are paramount to this.

Monster: Imprisoned Queen Archfiend (slowly consumes 'Hime's soul, but resistant to most Monster, Spell, and Trap effects, and can power up lesser Archfiends)

Commonly used Spells/Traps:

Axe of Despair (fuses onto right arm)

Nightmare Archfiends (summons Nightmare Archfiends)

Archfiend's Roar (summons a group of lesser Archfiends, such as Vilepawns)

Falling Down (can corrupt an enemy monster into an Archfiend)

Battle-Scarred (inflicts damage to 'Hime's soul onto the enemy monster's master's soul for a while)

P.S. Does this work?

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ooc: soory i havent been on. YRPO, you can't be you own monster. and yubel is way too strong at that. and decrease your spell number please send me a list if you need to. to the rest of you, Let the fights begin! and ruc, no you cant evolve into blue eyes shining, at least not yet (ill think on it)

Minisode 1: Welcome to Yu-Gi-Oh! The Soul Star's first minisode! For those of you wondering, a minisode is a small miniature episode that details backstory and info of the world. This minisode, we discuss the command structure of the order of syphuriass.

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Minisode 1:

The order has a founding leader who is currently unknown. Next on the command chain are the Titans: powerful duelists who have come to command mysterious dark synchro monsters through an as of now unknown ritual. Under them are sect leaders, who head the order's local operations. And finnaly, the generic order members are the lowest on the food chain.


Minisode 1: end

Next: Episode 2: Monsters and Magic

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Guest TheFinalFan

I'm back, and I will edit. I was thinking about the idea, and I was wondering...

May I have VWXYZ - Dragon Catapult Cannon?

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ooc: hmmmm let me think on that one, in the meantime, EPISODE DESCRIPTION!


Episode 2: Monsters and Magic

Plot: The second round of the national championships are about to begin. Two matches will be taking place at the same time, and The order of Syphurias Begins preperations for their grand entrance...

ooc: a 40k fan, pwnage! I'm not the only one!

On the subject of V-Z no, but you can use x-head cannon and have Y and Z as spells, they are union monsters. That allows for the other three 2 monster combos as well.

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