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"Operation:Portal" Set 6/5


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My last set of written cards was generally accepted, but not much-seen, so I decided to put more up. These aren't as powerful, and I don't know what one might be able to use them for... I just like to get my things seen. :D


[spoiler=Onikuchini To-Chi VIII]

Card Type: Monster

Attribute: FIRE

Level: 4

Type: Warrior

Description: A scarred youth who hides his wounds under excessive clothing. He's said to hold a power legendary to his clan.




NOTE: Yes, I realise that this is a normal monster, and thus not terribly original. But read Operation... Gate to see his relevance.



[spoiler=Operation:Portal - Project:Gate]

Card Type: Monster/Effect

Attribute: FIRE

Level: 8

Type: Warrior

Description: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can be Special Summoned only from your Hand or Deck when, an "Onikuchini To-Chi VIII" is destroyed. When this card is Special Summoned successfully, place three Guard Tokens on it (max. 3). Remove one Guard Token from this monster to negate one attack from an opponent's monster that does not target this monster and destroy the attacking monster. If this card has no Guard Tokens on it during your or your opponent's Standby or End Phase, destroy this card and all monster cards your opponent controls.





[spoiler=Operation:Portal - Project:Hole]

Card Type: Monster/Effect

Attribute: DARK

Level: 7

Type: Spellcaster

Description: During your End Phase or your opponent's Standby Phase you may tribute this card to destroy all monsters in your opponent's control. If you use this effect, you must skip your next Battle Phase.




NOTE: I added the last line at the last moment, so the OCG might not be right. Please bear with me, I'm not used to the new OCG... Hel it might not even be right in old OCG...



[spoiler=Operation:Portal - Project:Receiver]

Card Type: Monster/Effect

Attribute: LIGHT

Level: 6

Type: Fiend

Description: When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, Special Summon one "Operation:Portal - Project:Sender" from your Hand or Deck. If you cannot, remove this card from the game. Redirect all attacks that target "Operation:Portal - Project:Sender" to this card.





[spoiler=Operation:Portal - Project:Sender]

Card Type: Monster/Effect

Attribute: LIGHT

Level: 6

Type: Fairy

Description: When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, Special Summon one "Operation:Portal - Project:Receiver" from your Hand or Deck. If you cannot, remove this card from the game. If this monster is in defense mode, and you control a face-up "Operation:Portal - Project:Receiver" in attack position, negate the effects of all Spell, Trap, and Effect Monster cards that target you. Your opponent is affected by all effects negated this way.




NOTE: Again, I don't know if the OCG is correct. I tried.



[spoiler=Operation:Portal - Project:Tunnel]

Card Type: Monster/Effect

Attribute: LIGHT

Level: 5

Type: Spellcaster

Description: While this card is in Face-up Defense Position, you may, once per turn during your Battle Phase, select one monster you control that is in attack-mode to attack your opponent's life points directly.




NOTE: OCG... 'Nuff said.


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