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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Final Duties of the Signers! || Starting! But still accepting! ||

Kyosuke Kiryu

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OoC: Yesterday? At what time, AND timezone? Maybe he was online but the problem is it might have been during the time I was sleeping.

EDIT: He was online during 11.30 PM or something... I think I was having a intense RPing that time so I didn't notice xD

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Riko: hehe counter trap Negetive Wind blast on your Double Summon now i negate its effect and destroy all spell and traps on your side of the field then we draw cards equal to the number of card destroyed by this card effect so we draw 2 card



[spoiler=cards negative wind blast:] 33884fwb.jpg



Hunter: trap card open! pollinses! by tributing 1 plant type monster i can negate the activation of a trap card on field' date=' and i tribute the other plant token




Riko: he not good enough my deck evolved so wel you cannot win' date=' trap card open Negative Mirror now this card gains the effect of 1 trap card on your side of the field then that trap card is destoyed, i select your pollinses


[spoiler=Negative mirror:'] 33884m.jpg



Hunter: i activate Tytannil princess of camilies Effect' date=' i Tribute my princess of camilies to negate the activation of a Spell, Trap, or Effect Monster's effect that targets a card(s) on the field and destroy it.



i activated polinesess to negate your first trap then you activated another trap that target 1 card on field so i can activate tytannil's ability to negate your trap.

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Hunter: my turn draw! i tribute one of my token to summon gigaplant. then i activate my face-down card Double summon so i can normal summon gigaplant once again. now i activate its ability to Special Summon tytannil Princess of camilies. now gigaplant attack his monster.


OoC: and as u see here you use double summon before tytannil whas summoned and i counter your double summon so with that i hope you understand it oke (its for the best i counter it speed world wil have your life points drop by 2000 and you wil lose 2 speed counters okey)

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Deck Type:infinite fortunes: fortune ladys

Appearance:will post later

Bio:necro has been dueling since he was 9. he was very gifted with his skills and was undefeated for 2 years. he then was defeated by a masked duelist. after that loss he was devoured by darkness and beacme a duelist who did anything it took to win. then when he was 15 the dark signers took him in and m=now he duels for 3 purposes 1.defeat the maked duelist 2. become the top duelist 3. rule the world as the duel king

Signer/Dark Signer:dark signer

D-Wheel Appearance:a low black and gold bike

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