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Survival Caw Wrestling! EP 4 - EP 4 Posted

Ryno Dorcus

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Sorry if it's a bad time but here:


Name: Paul Korn

Age: 32

Weight: 248 pounds

Height: 6"2

Billed from: Daytona, Florida


Signature 1: Daytona Drop (Jumping Power Bomb)

Signature 2: 2nd rope gut buster

Finisher: Korn Driver (Tope rope Canadian Destroyer)

Descripition: A guy who will never give up and never cheat to reach his goal.

Nickname: The Incredible

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Do you need help with writing?


Hey Ya that would be good. I will PM you the Details.


Sorry if it's a bad time but here:


Name: Paul Korn

Age: 32

Weight: 248 pounds

Height: 6"2

Billed from: Daytona' date=' Florida


Signature 1: Daytona Drop (Jumping Power Bomb)

Signature 2: 2nd rope gut buster

Finisher: Korn Driver (Tope rope Canadian Destroyer)

Descripition: A guy who will never give up and never cheat to reach his goal.

Nickname: The Incredible




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