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The Good Old YCM Awards - Award Suggestion Thread


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[align=justify]Hello my fellow YCM Members,


I have decided to place a little suggestion competition for you all. I'm pretty sure by now you have heard of the Good Old YCM Awards. Right? Well, if you haven't, I suggest you go check it out.


Anyways, among basic award ceremonies that we have every month, we all have a set of awards that we nominate and vote for people in, and in this little competition, I have suggested that I want to hear from YOU on what awards you want to see in the very first Good Old YCM Awards.


Ok, Sounds reasonable, what do I have to do?

You have a number of choices that you can suggest, such as "Greatest Member of All Time", "Hall of Fame" etc. You can say as many as you like, as long as you post a description on what the award suggested means... for example:


"Best Card Maker"

The member who is considered to be the best card maker on the site


"Best Fan Fic"

Best Fan Fic on the site, award goes to owner




All you have to do, is suggest some awards we can give out (as many as you like) and if there promoted into the ceremony, I, Azuh, will give you a prize


What was that I heard? Prizes?

As for the member who suggested award gets chosen to be added to the list of Awards to be giving out, I'll personally give them 100 points for each award they suggested


Please choose your preference of awards if you're interested. This poll will close in 5 days.



The Good Old YCM Awards Team... and Azuh :P[/align]

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Best Graphic Designer -

Easy enough to grasp. =P


Multimedia King/Queen -

Person who frequents or knows the most about Multimedia shiz.


Most Knowledgeable -

Person who seems to have the most knowledge and/or the person who tends to act less like an idiot. (Cuts off more than half the members. =P)

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Most Similar To Crab Helmet


...I think I might be able to win this one' date=' unless Pika beats me.



Lol. I would have to try hard to get that award. ;D


But, anyway:


-Best Topic Creator

(The person who always thinks of the best topics and that are successful.)


-Best Club Member

(Goes to the member that constantly remains active in his/her club(s) and does a good job in it. he/she also does not spam.)

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I don't think they should be as similar to the regular YCM awards. I suggest more personal achievment categories, as well as fun categories.


Best dressed-

the best avatar and signature combination


Most memorable post-

if anyone remembers anything....


Best card-

yeah. best card


Best pwn-

burn teh n00bs

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Some more good old pride and praise....



.....Nice spamming' date=' dude.


Could you please give us some suggestions instead?



That was my suggestion. -_-


How about Best Wanna-be Mod Award or something? :P


Best Mod Candidate sounds better.


You have totally failed to see what was being thrown in there...

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