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The Suffering:Escape From Carnate Island Remake[Started] (Still Accepting)


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OoC: Sweetness!

IC: Liang looked at the Slayer. He ran upto it, ready to kick it down again but someone beat him to it. It was Torque. As soon as Torque had kicked the Slayer down, he quickly stabbed it with his Shiv and walked away.

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~when Lina is in insanity form she is like alma from fear


Lina smiles and walks into the hallway and saw a slayer.she jumped ontt the wall and ran towards it kicking it down then ripping its arm off and then decapitating it.


~can you name all the excocutions that the monsters are based on?

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OoC: I think so. I think the Slayer was to do with Government experiments on inmates or something. The Marksman where shot inmates. The burrowers where buried alive. The Ferrer where drowned and the Inferna Girl where burned at the stake, claimed to be witches.

IC: "Hey! You! Wait up!" Liang ran after Torque.

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OoC: Dam I missed some out!

IC: Liang loses sight of where Torque went and saw Lina, so ran over to her. "What the hell is wrong with Carnate? I heard it was bad, but this is bulls**t!"

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Liang looks amazed. "Well, why dont you do this instead?" Liang puts his foot on the slayer's arm and snaps the blade off the end of it's arm. "Use the blade at the end of there arm or leg thing as a knife!"

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OoC: Why dont we go to the room where we saw him put the needles into that guy?

IC: "Nope. Thats what makes it fun." Liang saw a door at the end of the hallway and burst it open. Inside was a glass panel, which seperated a sort of experimenting room from a room full of chairs.

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