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The Suffering:Escape From Carnate Island Remake[Started] (Still Accepting)


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You did the crime now you have to do the time.Welcome to Carnate Island home of Abbott State Penitentiary where the guards are like criminals to.Abbott State Penitentiary will be your home until you are excuted or you time sentence is finished.







[spoiler=Slayer Cpt**]




















[spoiler=Inferna Girls**********]











[spoiler=Dr. Killjoy]


Dr. Killjoy was the main excocutioner until he was excocutioned himself for killing people that did minor crimes.









Crime:(Must Be At Least a Couple Sentences)




[spoiler=Insanity Form]

Fighting Style:






[spoiler=My App]

Name:Lina True Name Is Unknown




Crime:She killed a couple old people in a retirement home then went on a killing spree.She kill a total of 69 people including men and children ages 4-16

Insanity Form App:

Fighting Style:Mind Tricks







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Wow, never thought this would happen, but for once they made a Rp about a GOOD GAME!

Name: Liang Syun

Sex: Male

Age: 21



Crime: Genoicide, but has blocked his memories out for they are to painful for him to relive.

Fighting Style: Fist smashing

[spoiler= Insanity Appearance] insanityr.jpg


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[spoiler=Galesonic]Name: Brandon

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Apperance: 1224936404_7043_full.jpeg

Crime: Was caught stealing a PSP. Een though the guards let him keep it, he was still arrested. Hisa sentence was an over exaggerated 10 years in prison.





Name:Lina Lin




Crime:No one really knows she was just dropped off in the island. She tends not to talk to people and when asked her crime she simply replies "dont worry about it" and will shoot anyone no matter what.




Name: Mike

Sex: Male

Age: 32


Crime: Was a bused as a kid, he called the cops on his parents. When he was sent to a fostor home. It was no better, so 1 night he took his step fathers gun and shot everyone. About 13 years later he is stuck in the prison for life. Also he has a mental disorder.



[spoiler=:.Death Whisper Ryko.:]

Name: Tsaria Damargke (Nickname: Dark Angel)

Sex: Female

Age: 34

Appearance: Sexy-Dark-Angel.jpg

^Wings are for decoration^

Crime: She is convicted for over 250 Crimes, Including 100 Counts of Robbery(40 of those were Bank Robberies), 90 counts of First-Degree Murder(30 of those were Murder of a government official), 40 Counts of Arson(10 were Government Buildings) and 20 Counts of Prostitution. She would've been sent to be executed Immediately, but Tsaria Seduced the Judge to give her a Tortured Life Sentence without the Possibility of Parole instead (Basically A life sentence with the fact that she will be tortured twice daily by the guards)




Name: Zeke Tranis

Sex: M

Age: 15

Apperance: DallyDays.jpg

Crime: He stole an I Pod after his friends dared him. He takes full responsibilit. Even after his friends escaped the authoritys.



[spoiler=ƒαļşε Ħộþē]

Name: Eisaka Torimino

Sex: Male

Age: 17


Crime: He was being teased by a group of kids. So one day he went up to them and threw all 3 of them into the amazon river. He found the idea of being a criminal "Fun" so he robbed a bank 4 times, killed his history teacher, and helled the president hostage. He was sentanced to 20 years in the prison.









Crime:(Must Be At Least a Couple Sentences)charged with multiple counts of homocide and canabalism. Will not openly talk about the subject. sentenced to death.














A Criminal-Hired Assassin, He Killed All His Targets, Even The Innocent Who Saw. Justice Is A Master Of Pistol Combat, And Know's How To Kill a Man With A Half-Full Bullet

Insanity Mode Form

Fighting Style:

Fires Lance At Enemies

Logical(Justice Can Fight With Control)









theses are the people who joined last time

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Name: Hayate Masaru

Sex: Male

Age: 22



Crime:At the age of 18 Hayate grew up in a quiet town where he was always being bullied in school. One day he sat down in his shed and made up an alaborate plot to kill the bullies in school. As he went in the next week, he carried his hockey gym bag and his back pack into the school. He proceeded to go to the Gym which was the lowest part of the school. Once their he rigged a homemade bomb to the inside of the doors. Then he proceeded to pull out to silenced handguns and walk through the halls shooting anyone who had noticed him. Once he reached the classroom where he new the 10 bullies would be in he dropped the Handguns and pulled two shotguns from the hockey bag. Kicking the door open he blasted everyone in the room killing everyone. Once the police showed up he ran back down to the gym where he dropped his guns and knelt down with his hands on his head like he was going to surrender. When the police cam barging through they had tripped the bomb to go off and it exploded killing the swat teams that where going to arrest him. He then procceded to run for a while untill later that night being caught and brought to prison. The judge had ordered him to be immediatly put to death for over the hundred of innocent people he had killed. But because Hayate was so young they couldn't legaly put him to death untill he turned 21 (State rule).


Insanity Form

Fighting Style: Ninjitsu - Stealth and Deception; Animation - Ability to bring inanimate objects to life or to free an individual from petrification.; Night Vision - Allows him to see in the dark(was born with this).



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Hayate turned his head to see the comosion, "Wow what a life!" he said to himself as he glared at Lina. The boat started to speed up as we where getting closer to the Island. Hayate looked up and could see the blue sky, and wondered what his brother was doing at that moment in time.

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Lina heard what he said dispite how soft he said it.She stood up"Do got a problem with me?"she takes a step.Officer Rodregez pushes her back into her seat"Sit down jabroni dont make me mace your ass just because they made it show both men and wemen share the same cells dosent mean i have to take your sheet."

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