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The Pacific NorthWest Tree Octopus conservation club. Now Excepting!


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tree_octopus_wpa_poster.png This club is dedicated to the conservation of the Pacific north west tree

octopus or Octopus paxarbolis. this animal is not a cripid it is known to science and is curently endangered.

This is where you can show your support, report a sighting, or simply talk about this

exotic animal more information is available at this wed site



So show your support for the Pacific NorthWest Tree Octopus

Join Today!

T- shirts now available but due to sight rules i am not allowed to give out the address directly

[spoiler=Current members]



[spoiler=application form]

User name:

location: (not an address just a city):

Number of sightings: (none is okay):

Amount of time willing to donate to help saving Octopus paxarbolis:




User name:speznats

location: (not an address just a city): Seattle

Number of sightings: (none is okay): 3

Amount of time willing to donate to help saving Octopus paxarbolis: 1 day a week

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