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Unlucky Monsters


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The Unlucky Deck


Unlucky Soilder






If this card’s ATK is 1200 or below then this card’s gain this effect:

-This card cannot be destroyed by Battle.


Unfaithful Castle


Field Spell


Each time if a monster’s ATK is decreased on your side of the field, you can destroy 1 card on your Opponent’s field.


Unlucky Priest






If this card’s ATK is 900 or below then this card’s gain this effect:

-Once per turn you can decrease 1 monster’s ATK by 300 points.


Unlucky Draw


Normal Spell

You can activate this card when you have atleast 1 "Unlucky" Monster on your side of the field. Reduce all monster’s ATK to 0 on your side of the field, then draw 2 cards.


Test of Luckyness

Continious Spell


Once per turn you can select 1 card from your hand, then your opponent guess the card’s type.

- If he or she is wrong, decrease 1 monster’s ATK by 500 points on your side of the field.

-If he or she is right increase 1 monster’s ATK by 300 points on your opponent’s side of the field.


Unlucky Wizard






If this card’s ATK is 1700 or below then this card’s gain this effect:

-Once per turn you can destroy 1 monster on the field. If you use this effect Increase this card’s ATK by 100 points


Unlucky Totem






You can remove this card from the Graveyard to decrease 1 monsters ATK by 300 points on your side of the field or You can Special Summon 1 Unlucky Totem from your Hand, Deck, or Graveyard.


Unlucky Dragon






This card Cannot be Normal Summoned or set. This card cannot be Special Summoned excep by having 5 or more „Unlucky” Monsters with different names in your graveyard. Decrease this monster’s ATK by 100 each „Unlucky” monsters in your graveyard.

If this card’s ATK is 2200 or below then this card’s gain this effect:

You can remove 1 „Unlucky” monster from your Graveyard to infilct damage to your opponent’s life points half of the removed monster’s ATK.


Tools Of The Unluckies


Counter trap

Decrease 1 monster’s ATK by 1000 points on your side of the field. Negate the activation of a Trap Card and destroy it.


Unlucky Barrier



Negate the the attack of 1 of your opponent’s monsters and decrease 1 of your

Monster’s ATK by 1000 points.


Unlucky Cheat



You can activate this card if you control at least 1 „Unlucky” Monster on the Field.

If your Opponent toss a coin, or rolls a six sided dice, negate the activation of that card and destroy it.



Unlucky Summonner






Once per turn if this card’s ATK is decreased you can select 1 Level 3 or lower „Unlucky” mosnter from your Deck or Hand and Special Summon it to the Field.


Unlucky Defender






Once per turn if a monster on your side of the field would be destroyed in battle you can decrease this card’s ATK by 300 instead.


The Unlucky Queen





1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Each time if a monster’s ATK is decreased on your side of the field, infilct damage to your opponent’s life points equal of the decreasing X2


Unlucky Ever After


Normal Spell

After this card’s activation, if you make 6000 poinsts of decrease in ATK points altogether, you win the duel.


Unlucky Bomb





When this card succesfully Normal Summoned, Flip Summonded, Special Summoned, switch it to face-up defense position. If this card in face-up Attack Position destroy this card. When this card’s ATK is 0 destroy all monsters on the field.


Unlucky Tricky





When a monster’s ATK is decreased on your side of the field, you can Special Summon this card from your hand.


Curse of the Unluckyies


Continious Spell

When a „Unlucky” monster destroyed in battle, decrease the attacking monster’s ATK equal of the destroyed monster's attack points.


Legath the Unlucky Defender






When this card is Special Summoned, decrease this card’s ATK by 500 points.

If this card’s ATK is 1000 or below then this card’s gain this effect:

- Your opponent cannot select another „Unlucky” monster on your side of the field as an atack target.


Lucky Versus Unlucky


Normal Spell

You can activate this card when you and your opponent also have atleast 1 face-up monster on the field. Each player selects 1 card from his/her field. The player who selected the card with more ATK Spiecial Summons „Unlucky Tokens” (Machine-type/LIGHT/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) as many as he can on his/her side of the field in Face-up Deefense Position. Both cards is sent to the Graveyard.


(Is the OCG is right? :/ )


Unlucky Tokens


If this card is destroyed by battle, decrease the attacking monster’s ATK by 300.


Unlucky Saber


Equip Spell

You can only equip this card to an „Unlucky” monster. Increase the monster’s ATK by 500. If the equipped monster destroys a monster in battle you can decrease 1 monster’s ATK by 400 points on your side of the field.


Unlucky Horseshoe


Continous spell

During your standby phase, select 1 face-up monster on your side of the field. Decrease the selected monster's ATK by 100.


Unlucky Casino


Normal trap


You can activate this card's effect when your opponent attacking an "Unlucky" monster. You and your opponent rolls a six sided dice. If you roll higher tnan your opponent, negate the attack . If you roll fewer than your opponent, decrease the attacked monster's ATK by 200 points.


I will make further cards, becouse im not out of ideas yet :)

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Unlucky Draw is OPed' date='in decks like exodia,it's a pot of greed basically,a first turn pot of greed, and if your not going to attack this turn,it's a pot of greed



You are right, I think i will think about how to balance it.

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