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What did you find yourself doing?


Where are you now?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Where are you now?

    • Still Making Cards
    • Role Player and or Fan Fiction
    • Games Section
    • Multimedia
    • Graphic Design

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[align=center] So Im assuming that everyone who ever joined YCM wanted to make cards as soon as they made an account. Then for a while that was your main thing to do. Later on you might have found yourself as a RPer, FanFic Writer, or Graphic Designer etc.


So where did you start first and where are you right now on YCM. I started as a card maker then moved to RPing and Graphic Design.[/align]

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I started everywhere as I was a Super and we had about 40 new posts a day at the start of '07. By September that year I only used QCAS and H&T, as well as General (when Games was the only sub-forum as I recall) and Intros. Now I use Suggestions, as well as General and its sub-forums.

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I rarely stray from Clubs and Polls.

So like, half of General? xD


Eh, I'm in two Rp's at the moment, so Roleplayer? I guess. =\

Then again, the only reason I joined those, were because they were started by members of a club I'm in. xD


I was a GFXer for a while, then I kinda just stopped. =\

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I was first here to create cards because it was like a dream would come true.


I still make them' date=' but not as much as I used to.

Also, I'm lurking more often in the Your Deck and TCG Section.


And why isn't the Your Deck and TCG Section not in this poll >:U



Uh... I forgot about that section but I'll add it in.

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I started as a Pop Culture card maker and won various contests. I then got more professional and made some realistic cards that also won lots of stuff.


Now, consider me as a retired man with a successful club and a kind heart. Isn't that what every man wants?

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I started making Exodia cards, because I thought that's all there was to do because I didn't know about the forum. I then went to the games section, then RPing, then Realistics, I wrote a Fan Fic as I watched the General topics from the sidelines for lolz, I made a club, and I've been spreading out ever since I got into RPing.

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I started as a card maker, went to terribad GFX including owning a GIF shop, made a few half decent sigs, and pretty much quit GFX and card making except for a few CC threads that get buried. I pretty much hang out here to keep up to date on TCG and for the general section.

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