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A whole jumble

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These cards are almost completed, so until they are, here are the effects. Most of these are for my new Harry Potter/Yu-Gi-Oh story.


Ace Knight:

Level 6


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned when Queen's Knight, King's Knight, and Jack's Knight are face-up on your side of the field the field.

ATK: 2000/DEF: 1900


Ace Sword:


Effect: You can only play this card by removing 1 "The Claw of Hermos" and 1 "Ace Knight" from play. This card can only be equipped by a Warrior or Beast-Warrior-Type monster whose ATK is less than 2000. The equipped monster gains 2000 ATK and must stay in ATK position. If this card is switched to Defense position for any reason, it's destroyed and you lose Life Points equal to that monster's Total ATK. Five turns after this card's Activation, the equipped monster is destroyed, and the opponent takes damage equal to that monster's Total ATK, while you take damage equal to that monster's Total DEF.


Chimera Armor


Effect: You can only play this card by removing "The Claw of hermos" and "Chimeratech Overdragon" from play. This card can only be equipped to a monster with Cyber in its name. This card cannot ATK, and its ATK becomes 0. By sacrificing 1 Machine-type monster from your hand, field, or deck, this monster gains the ATK of the monster, and can attack once. On the fifth turn this card was played, the equipped monster gains ATK equal to 4000 x the number of machines discarded, and can attack that many times. After the fifth turn, you lose Life Points equal to the equipped monster's original ATK.


Claw of hermos (Anime only card. Credit goes to the creators of the Yu-Gi-Oh anime.)


Effect: Remove this card and 1 monster you control from play. Activate one Equip Spell Card from your deck that has these cards written on it.


Cyber End Armor


Effect: This card can be played by first removing "The Claw of Hermos" and "Cyber End Dragon" from play. This card can only be equipped to a Fusion Monster that has Cyber Dragon as a Fusion Material Monster. Double the increased monster's ATK. This monster can now ATK multiple times as long as you remove Monsters with "Cyber" in their name from play for each attack besides the first one.


Last one for this post: Eye of Timaeus


Effect: Remove this card and 1 or more face-up monsters on the field from play. Special Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck that has these cards written on it to the field in face-up Attack or Defense Position.

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Well here are my only two truly original cards then.


Temple of the Serpent King


Effect: This card is used to Summon "The Legendary Basilisk". You must also offer monsters whose total level stars equal 12 or more from the field or your hand.


The Legendary Basilisk

Level 12


Effect: This card cannot be normal Summoned or set. This card can only be Special summoned by the Ritual Spell "Temple of the Serpent King". This card gains 500 extra ATK for every Reptile-Type monster on the field and in the graveyard. Once per turn, you can take control of one Reptile-Type monster the opponent controls, until the end of the turn.

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Here's the edited card:


The legendary Basilisk


Effect: This card cannot be normal Summoned or set. This card can only be Special summoned by the Ritual Spell "Temple of the Serpent King". This card's ATK is 500 x the number of Reptiles in your graveyard. Once per turn, You can destroy 1 monster on the opponent's side of the field. This card cannot attack directly.

ATK: ?/DEF: 4500


Here's my newest:


Five Energy Blast



This card can only be activated when one of the following criteria is met:


You have 1 Monster each of FIRE, DARK, EARTH, WATER, and, WIND face-up on your side of the field. Destroy 5 cards on the field.


You have 1 Five-Headed dragon Face-up on your side of the field. Inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent for every monster on the field.


So, what do you think?

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