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Elemental dragons

king shoeface

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Dragons Greed is great:D, its perfectly balanced in my opinion, so I'll give Dragons Greed a 10/10 :D (I rarely give 10s)


and to your question-You Could save your card to a file, upload it on photobucket, then copy the IMG code and paste it in a post. Hope I helped :D

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i see you figured out how to post images in form g/w and nice cards.

nice dragons greed i just wish you had listed it better (were you put (atk o Def o) you should have put (Level 1, Dragon, EARTH, ATK/0 DEF/0) that is just an example, but that is about how it should be done), ive never seen a newbe get a 10/10, other than me that is! here is my AGIB card on it

Art: 10

Grammar: 9

Idea: 9

Balance: 10


so overall i give it a 9.5/10 it would be 10/10 if you had better card grammar.

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