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5 ways to Make card maker better

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1 When you download a picture onto a card it should atomaticly fill that space

Not sure what you mean here' date=' but it does stretch the picture to fit the card, if you have to stretch the image though, you're using a bad image[/b']

2 You should be able to look at other peoples cards they have made

Which is why we have a forum to post them on

3 You should be able to dule online with the cards you have made

You ever tried YVD? It's the closest thing we have, and it's better than asking them to code something brand new

4 There should be mini games


5 You should get poits for the cards you make

I'm not sure if you do, but I don't exactly get why you should anyway

I don't think any of the points here are worth considering really =/

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1 When you download a picture onto a card it should atomaticly fill that space

It does' date=' if you do it properly.[/b']


2 You should be able to look at other peoples cards they have made

CC section says "hi".


3 You should be able to dule online with the cards you have made

There's a site for that. (I forgot the name, though.) EDIT: YVD.


4 There should be mini games

Card contests? 1-on-1s?


5 You should get poits for the cards you make

You get points for posting; I think that's good enough.

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1 When you download a picture onto a card it should atomaticly fill that space

It does' date=' if you do it properly.[/b']


2 You should be able to look at other peoples cards they have made

CC section says "hi".


3 You should be able to dule online with the cards you have made

There's a site program for that. (I forgot the name, though.) EDIT: YVD.


4 There should be mini games

Card contests? 1-on-1s?


5 You should get poits for the cards you make

You get points for posting; I think that's good enough.

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1 When you download a picture onto a card it should atomaticly fill that space

Don't know what you mean.

2 You should be able to look at other peoples cards they have made

No too much time just post them.

3 You should be able to dule online with the cards you have made

Your grammar failz' date=' get YVD.

4 There should be mini games


5 You should get poits for the cards you make

Why >_> you get 2 points for a thread anyway and who would monitor this?


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1 When you download a picture onto a card it should atomaticly fill that space

2 You should be able to look at other peoples cards they have made

3 You should be able to dule online with the cards you have made

4 There should be mini games

5 You should get poits for the cards you make


You can already do most of these. You already get points for posting, so no.

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Is it me or do some people (Not naming names) just LOVE to spike anything suggested, plus, anything really.


For number 1 I know what she is talking about unlike everyone else. There are black/white etc borders that just make the picture looked shorten. She is suggesting that those get eliminated and the picture appears more cleaner. You can however eliminate these problems Yu-Gi-OhDuleGirl with a program called GIMP. It allows you to crop unwanted space/signatures/etc. (Crop means to delete basically from a selected section).


Number 2, even I have suggested it in my largest post ever, Suggestions - Making the Card Maker better, called View. But apparently when a new member or one who short phrased it can automatically be targeted for spiking. I support this as a completely optional thing for the host of the cards. Like I suggested, they can go to that person's Card Maker, with everything in lockdown. That wouldn't take much effort now would it?


Number 3, as much as I would adore seeing my cards used, there is but no fair way to monitor overpowered cards. A program that is free and up-to-date is YVD, or Yugioh Virtual Duelist.


Number 4. First I've ever heard someone suggest "Mini-Games." You should think of a couple and suggest them, I myself is quite tickled to see what you can come up with ;)


Number 5. Well that might be up for grabs. It really depends on whenever it would be fair or not. Such as, someone making a complete fool out of themselves and make a whole mess of empty cards just for points. But it isn't a waste to suggest.


Overall, these aren't BAD ideas, they need refining and support. Keep it up ;)

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1 When you download a picture onto a card it should automaticly fill that space

It does that already...


2 You should be able to look at other peoples cards they have made

People post their cards if they want them to be shown. Some could be private, for a contest, a member card, etcetera.


3 You should be able to dule online with the cards you have made

You can. Search for online dueling systems... I recommend "Kaiba Corporation Online Dueling System. www.KaibaCorporation.com - a friend of mine owns that ^_^


4 There should be mini games

www.Kongregate.com - "Minigames" would be a totally different website.


5 You should get poits for the cards you make

Post them, and you do.

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1 When you download a picture onto a card it should atomaticly fill that space

2 You should be able to look at other peoples cards they have made

3 You should be able to dule online with the cards you have made

4 There should be mini games

5 You should get poits for the cards you make


1. Download? Why are you downloading pictures? Upload. And click Generate. It generates your card.

2. No, some cards are meant to be private/horrible.

3. That has been suggested WAY too many times and guess what, still nothing.

4. Minigames about what? There is no main game. Minigames are pointless.

5. That's ridiculous. Post the cards and you get points.

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1 When you download a picture onto a card it should atomaticly fill that space

It's already done.


2 You should be able to look at other peoples cards they have made



3 You should be able to dule online with the cards you have made

Say hello to YVD.


4 There should be mini games

Good idea' date=' but will make the site [i']laggy[/i]


5 You should get poits for the cards you make

No. If you let people critique your cards...


Bad ideas are bad.

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I support #5. We should get points for our cards...like maybe 1 point per card.


(Wait' date=' then I would get 318 points more if YCMaker does that :))



You can save over 9000 blank cards and that would give you a lot of points


Well, the card maker should only give points if the card is properly filled out with everything inside (name, Level, Attribute, Spell/Trap Card Type, Monster Type, Effect, ATK, DEF, 2009@(insert name), 8 digit password, etc.) before a point can be given. Otherwise, NO points. It WOULD stop people from making blank cards


Or maybe every 10-20 cards, you get 1 point.

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I support #5. We should get points for our cards...like maybe 1 point per card.


(Wait' date=' then I would get 318 points more if YCMaker does that :))



You can save over 9000 blank cards and that would give you a lot of points


Well, the card maker should only give points if the card is properly filled out with everything inside (name, Level, Attribute, Spell/Trap Card Type, Monster Type, Effect, ATK, DEF, 2009@(insert name), 8 digit password, etc.) before a point can be given. Otherwise, NO points. It WOULD stop people from making blank cards


Or maybe every 10-20 cards, you get 1 point.


You can still fill it all with "a" or "1"


and like most people here said,posting a card already gives you 2 points.

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