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(A Yugioh Club) The DARK Revelation Club - Let Darkness Gather! 14 PEOPLE!! TASK MADE!!


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Club: BLEACH: The Thirteen Squadrons

Why you want to affiliate: Two awesome clubs should affiliate. Simple as that.

Do you like this club?: Of course. It's my own. ;)


Accepted! Argh! This be mutany! It be MY club! Arrr!


XD I thought it was asking if I liked the club asking to affiliate. ^^;;


No' date=' do you like MY club. Not YOUR club, MY club.



Well, of course I do. Wouldn't have joined if I didn't. -_-"

Your logic makes sense, hmm, very well then. BTW you woudn't have any experiance with GFX would you?

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That's good! I'm only in.....3. No big deal ^_^! Feel free to post cards for me to grade, and that'll get you that much closer to your next rank....


BTW, Can you give me the link to a thread where you rated a card? Perhaps in realistics? It's so I can see if you are qualified for the Custom Card Mod job.

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here are some cards:


You must pay 500 Life Points during each of your Standby Phase (this is not optional). This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned if you control less monsters than your opponent. Once per turn, you can pay 1500 Life Points to remove from play 1 card on the field. You cannot conduct a Battle Phase the turn you use this effect.


"Demon's Angel" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, select 1 monster from your Graveyard and Special Summon it. If this card declares an attack, Special Summon 1 "Demon Token" (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 3/ATK 1200/DEF 0) in Attack Position on your opponent's side of the field. When a "Demon Token" is destroyed, discard 1 card from your hand. If you cannot, destroy this card.


This card can only be Special Summoned by offering 1 Thunder-Type monster and 1 DARK monster on your side of the field as a Tribute. If you do, once per turn, you can discard 1 Thunder-Type or 1 Dark monster from your hand to destroy 1 card on the field. If you do, the monster with the highest ATK on your side of the field cannot declare an attack this turn.


"Dark Magician" + "Dark Red Enchanter"

When this card is Fusion Summoned, place 3 Spell Counters on it. Each time a Spell Card is activated or a monster is Summoned, place 1 Spell Counter on this card. It gains 300 ATK for each Spell Counter on it. You can remove 3 Spell Counter from this card to destroy face-up monster on the field. If you activate this effect, this card cannot attack during this turn

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1st-It's not "Can only be Special Summoned..." It's "Cannot be Special Summoned except....." also, it's not "a Battle Phase" it's "your Battle Phase". Kinda underpowered, make the price lower than 1000. Try 800 or lower. Pretty good.


2nd- Not "if", it's "When this card declares an attack". Swarming idea, very nice.


3rd- Underpowered, make the cost to Special Summon a Thunder or DARK instead of both. Then, if you want to keep the strongest ATK cannot attack thing, raise it's attack to like 1800 and add a level. Not bad.


4th- "On this card", not "it". You forgot the 1 when you said "to destroy 1 face up monster on the field". I would change it to "3 cards on the field." instead. Very good.


BTW, Capatalize the first letters of your types plz. Very good very good. I appluad.

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You are very welcome. BTW, I like the thunder and DARK combination idea. How about this, work on a set that has every single Type that would normally involve a different attribute (pyro, thunder, sea serpent, fairy, etc.) and make it with the dark attribute. The challenge is that the pics should resemble the Type. If at all possible, making it a dark version of the Type. Understand? If accomplished to my speculations, you will gain a rank.

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Username:Lord JZ of the Enigma

Favorite Level 1 DARK monster(Explanation in Ranking system spoiler):Kuriboh!

Do you like the DARK attribute?:heck yes!

Are you a well behaved member?:I think so.


Yes, you are indeed a behaved member, and how did I KNOW SOMEONE was going to pick KURIBOH!

P.S. Accepted

P.P.S. Caps FTW!!

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Yes, yes it is. Well, considering you are an RPer, and don't make cards, or GFX, it's going to be hard to gain ranks. You could always rely on the award ceremonies, but for now you won't be able to do those, because it's going to have to grow a little more.

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Yep! And a DAD, which is one of my favorite DARK monsters. Anywho, if you post cards, GFX, and various other things, than you can help gain ranks. Also, I'm going to put up a few features when more people join.



Sinking Threads

Card Contests

GFX Contests (cannot be done without GFX Mod)


Those things will be added. We have a recent task, just check the page before, I think it's there.

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The joining with the thirteen court guard squad? or the rating you gave out?


No, those are affialates. People who wish to advertise in each other's threads for free. So it's free advertisement. The assignment I gave out,

-was to make cards with types that would normally have a select attribute (Pyro, Thunder, Sea Serpant,) and make their attributes DARK


-with pics that resemble the type


-if possible, find pics that are dark versions of the type. (not required)


This could get your rank up'd if followed to my specifications.

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