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Le Sorcier du Chaos

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It's a good card. I always liked chaos.


What do you think will happen to this guy? (Ban, semi, unlimit, nothing) Do you think we'll get Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning back?


Oh, and if you can state why you think that, it would be awesome.


We'll most likely have the next list in 2 months and since nothing happens after nats I think now is a good time to start the speculations.

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I think this guy should stay limited. It's pretty fair at 1. The "face-up" part of his removal effect makes him a bit more balanced and he can be off'd by Monarchs and most Blackwing combos (that I <3).

BLS-EoB though, will probably stay banned. He's WAY OP'd compared to Sorceror. The second effect (mult-attack) is unessecary and only helps reserve his spot on the Ban Throne.

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itz balaced cuz itz nut az powurfull as Caius cuz Chaos Sorcerer only haz 2300 attackorz and connotz attackz whenz he removz a munstur form pluy whiel caius haz 100+ ATJ unds can immidutly attuck aftur uzing itz uffuct wu shuold bun Caius guyz


Of course it's bloody obvious that Chaos Sorcerer is banworthy. People who think otherwise should stop being terrible at this game.

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