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Duel Monster Fusion Shop(Closed till further notice)


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[align=center]In this shop i will draw you

2 duel monsters(3 at the most)

you would like to see fused together[/align]

I will not do any original characters unless you drew them yourselves and there yours.


[align=center]Prices and request form Below


Full color w/ Background:120

Full color Price:100(is this two expensive?)

Lineart price: 50(not in color just the basic line)[/align][spoiler=Request Form]

1st Monster=(Provide Pic if wanted)

2nd Monster=(Provide Pic if Wanted)

Specific=(if you want one monster to stand out more than the other)

Time Limit=(If you need it in a specific time limit)

Full color or Lineart:




here is some example of my work if you've never seen it

[spoiler=Artwork Examples]




[align=center]Sorry i havent done that much stuff on here.....^^;;


i only have only 5 spots so......ya[/align]

[spoiler=Waiting list]


(*)=I have the sketched plan

(*)(*)=I have it drawn on the final paper

(*)(*)(*)=I have the lineart(it's inked)

(*)(*)(*)(*)=it's half way colored

(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)=it's finished!

1.SkippyBaker(*)( )( )( )( )(approximate day done june 26)

2.Akoolgie800( )( )( )( )( )(approximate day done june 28)

3.Aelsthla-Mental( )( )( )( )( )(approximate day done june 30)

[email protected]( )( )( )( )( )(approximate day done July 2)

5.Wolfbat Master ( )( )( )( )( )(approximate day done july 5)(PAID)



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1st monster: Dark magician

2nd monster: Black luster soldier

I want both of them to show a lot lol

I need it today if possible

1st Monster= Dark Magician Girl (in a Silfer the Sky Dragon outfit)

Specific= Dark Palidin

Time Limit= Any time you can. Hopefully by this weekend.


sorry i forgot to add if you want full color or line art in the request

Which one?

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1st monster: Dark magician

2nd monster: Black luster soldier

I want both of them to show a lot lol

I need it today if possible


Ok order complete


Dark Magician + Black Luster Solider= Dark Luster Knight

[spoiler=Dark Luster Knight]




hope you like it

that'd be 200 please. :)

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Looks like I'm next. =D


yep you are

im working on it right now i should be done soon as in saturdayish...

1st monster=Judge Man

2nd monster=Elemental Hero Wildedge


time limit=by the end of the month

full color


ok i will get to it as soon as possible :)

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