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An Odyssey - Accepting by Post

Dark Mousy

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Sing, Muse, the tale of a resourceful man, who wandered,

far and wide after destroying the sacred citadel.

He went to meet many new people, and learned their

customs. While travelling, his spirit suffered many torments,

and he tried to save his comrades and take them back home.


(Check if this translation is correct?!?)


Anyways, that's the opening lines of the Odyssey. Wait... that's boring.


In 1939, the Nazi's invaded Poland, which fell in less than a month. It is the beginning of a new age, the age of Blitzkrieg, lightning warfare. With mechanized units, shock troops, and the Enigma. A powerful cypher machine that protected German military secrets, the number of possibilities was more than the atoms in the universe.


Now, it is 1940, as a group of Jewish college students, you are starting to fell the heat of the Nazi Regime, as people are taken away, to Auschwitz. Through out, you will do what the muse says, destroy the sacred citadel of Germany, travel the world, and return home...


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