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The Elite Graphics Union GFX Battle for the Pride


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[align=center]And other things...Like a few rep, maybe some points, and Super-membership to The Elite Graphics Union.

So you get to be the Vice President.

Well, here are the rules:

1.I choose the winner. However, I will post all of the threads on a voting thread. No Self voting.

2.Bribe me all you want. I will keep the points. And guess what you get...NO RESULT TO GIVING ME POINTS.

3.Have fun, and don't be a poor sport.

4.All of the other YCM stuff.


So,feel free to donate points. They will go towards the prize.

And, I hope you get the message, the first place gets a few rep, plus they get into the EGU, and they can be Vice President. If the winner doesn't want the prize, I will offer it to second. And so on.

Now I am rambling, so ...

Please join the

Elite Graphics Union[/align]

[align=center]Oh I forgot.

Maximum size is 450x200.

No text required...

This ends when every spot is filled, and everyone has turned in their pieces.[/align]

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