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What would the person's avatar above you say?


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T-Bone: Razor! Callie is in trouble!


Razor: There's no way she can survive that fall. Deploying spider missile.


*deploys spider missile, catching Callie.


Callie: Oh! Thank you SWAT Kats! *throws a kiss at Razor*


Razor blushes


T-Bone: Don't let it get to your head, sureshot.



OoT - XD LOL!!! LOL!! LOL. Now you can join Avatar Arena Delta and be my co-pilot!

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I'm actually gonna quote on this one :3


"Jake: I'm not sure using this Turbo plugs on Callie's engine is a good idea, Chance.


Chance: I say she's gonna have extra horse power in case of an emergency.


Jake: I say you're gonna blow the engine.


Chance: Jake, I'm a pilot, I know what an engine can handle.


*Turns on car and begins to fire up the engine.*


Chance: See? Purrs like a kitten.


*Steps the gas petal even more.*


Chance: Growls like a tiger!


*Engine blows*


Jake: Blows like a volcano. Now what do we tell Callie?"



OoT - You told me so >_<

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((Couldn't help but quote this...^^; ))


"T-Bone: Alright ten seconds. Beat that SWAT Kat.


Razor: Ugh..what?


T-Bone: HA! New personal best, 10 seconds at mach 5!


Razor: -a little woozy- Ugh...yeah, well if you say so. Of course, I didn't see it.


T-Bone: Course you didn't see it you were out like a blown engine.


Razor: Hey! Then how do I know you made ten seconds? I mean you could've passed out too and just made it up to yank my tail!


T-Bone: That does it! Two outta three!


Razor: You're on!"

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