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a sneak peak of my deck bassed of the 52 playing cards

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yes playing cards as in daimonds and spades and clubs and hearts, i have over halve finished, but you only get to see 4, the 4 aces, the most importent, this deck is kinda like an exodia deck, btw, and i messed up on the clubs some, the 3 rouyals and the ace have "the" infront of them, and the other three suites dont, and there effects are kinda confuseing, because thay are called "Card" cards, so it makes your head hurt, anyways here thay are, tell me what you think, and yes i know the ace of spades sounds ALOT like exodia, only you need 4 cards, but there not easy to summon, so i thought it was okay, anyways here thay are:


also here for fun look at this:


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i dont care if you make them, just make them differint, not "draw a card" cards and he has to be in your handi have about 28 of em right now, only these for have the art in yet (i put it in through photoshop to perfect it) and i know part of the red A is cut off, my computer cut it of, and i couldnt fis it easily

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