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God Arms, Ruler... [PG-13]


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Ooc: I forgot my character, hmm lets see


Fallen was on a boat headed To the Northern Lands, while on the boat his arm began 2 burn and show a mark "So it has finally begun, well i guess i better make sure my stuff is ready." He stood from where he sat and picked up his 2 bracelets and put them on "Lets see if this sword can work, if not then its gonna have 2 be a fist fight, common aren't we there yet?" Just then the bat lands and Fallen walks off into the distance.

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ferdanda awakens with a screem, her maid comes in worrying about her trying to help her out of bed, the maid and ferdanda wer the only ones who survived the bloody masacer so the maid felt oblogated to try and protect her "get off of me you annoying woman" ferdanda harshly snaps. the maid stoped and looked at ferdanda "mistress would you like some tea and do you wish for annything for breakfast" the maid said supriseingly glee full acounting the fact that she was just yelled at for trying to care. "yes some tea and tost wheet but not the multi grain"

the room rattled "oh and miku when will the plane land" ferdanda scouled. "i-in an houer" miku blushed hapily for her mistress remembered her name "your tea will be ready and ill have some one draw your bath" miku said happily "very well" ferdanda said looking at her wing embleum glowing on her arm(note the embleum is like jack's from 5d's)"this will give me what i need the power to bring tem back or so the man said" ferdanda muters to her self

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Fallen stops amid a small forest and sets up his camp atop a gigantic tree "Well seeing as how no one will be here for a while i better get s little shut eye. They better not wake me, i hate 2 be woken up, well unless its by a beautiful woman but i have no time for that until this is over" Fallen begins 2 sleep waiting for the anyone else who is also in the competition to show up

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"your tea and toast mistress" miku said. "thank you" ferdanda says as she munches on a pece of toast "is there anny honey" ferdanda said bluntly."yes right there nexy your her tea" miku said. "hermm...i see" ferdanda sais as she takes the cup of honey and pours some in her tea she then stirs her tea with a tinny spoon.

OoC: yaaays filler

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Wayne ventured through a forest, looking for food. Bow ready, he walked silently towards a lake, especially since a lot of animals are probably gathered near the closest water source. As he tiptoed into the opening around the lake, he spotted a cluster of rabbits. "Jackpot." Wayne breathed as he shot two arrows at the same time. They hit the feet of the biggest in the pack, Wayne believing that it was a family and those were the parents.


The two rabbits nudged their babies out of the way and charged towards Wayne, though he was still in concealment. They stopped right in front of him, trying to find the source of the arrows. As they were looking, Wayne shot both of them, right between the eyes. He gathered the dead rabbits and looked back at the smaller rabbits. They seemed to have ran away, knowing if they stayed, they would be next. Wayne went back into the forest after getting a drink, and found his camp.


He didn't have a fire, that would attract animals and they would steal his food and ruin his camp while he was gone. He would only put the fire up for cooking, and moved his camp frequently to avoid anything from finding him. He slept high in the trees, and usually stored his food even higher. There was a strange marking on the tree, which Wayne purposely put there so that he wouldn't camp in the same place twice, he knew where he was going, and if he couldn't find another camp, he could try to find his last one.


It was night, so he was setting up for sleep when his hand started to burn. He looked at his strange marking on his hand, and shrugged it off. "I'll find out tommorow what this is." He stretched on his branch, and making sure it was still stable, fell asleep.

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Fallen was bored atop the trees "Waiting for a fight is not my thing, wells better eat so i have some energy" he remembered watching someone hunt rabbits "Yeah, killing a small animal for game or food is no fun or a good meal. hmmm well atleast i know my way with plants and know which ones 2 eat" Fallen leaves his tree in search for edible plants

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Wayne suddenly woke up. He looked around, vison impaired because of lack of light. He stared hard into the forest, waiting for something to appear. Wayne moved from tree to tree, losing balance constantly, but never fell off. He headed to what he thought was north. Wayne ventured deeper into the woods, trees growing taller, plants more abundant. As he was moving, he spotted a creek. Wayne followed the creek catching a fish as he went along.


Morning broke in as he was moving quickly down the stream. Finally, he stopped, and retrieved his backpack from his back. During the night he stored everything in the backpack, he was scheduled to move this day. Wayne moved a little west from the creek to a little opening. He put his stuff down, but moved back to the stream.


"That should do it." Wayne said as he set up his last snare. As he walked back to his camp he was only thinking one thing. Someone's close. And they know I'm here. Wayne started a fire and cooked the rabbit he got yesterday. He thought, "If only I could..." but didn't finish his thought as he striped the rabbit off of the stick over the fire and ate it.

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Kaisu watched Wayne from a nearby tree. He had felt the burn on his arm, he knew the fight had begun. He had started to search the forest, looking for something to eat. He saw Wayne set the snares, and he readied his sword, and jumped down from the tree, slowly heading for the snares. To his dismay, there was nothing. He wandered away, wondering if anyone else was nearby. He saw smoke, meaning one thing. Someone's close... and they're cooking... they're just bait.. Time to move in... He closed in on the fire, sword in hand. He spied on Wayne, and he walked towards him, ready to strike if he must...

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"Are you hungry?" Wayne asked, noticing Kaisu. "I don't have much to offer, though." He looked up at the figure walking towards him. He had a blade, that was for sure, but it was attached to chains. That meant Kaisu had a bigger range than a regular old swordman. It might put a dent in his accuracy, but Wayne knew Kaisu had practice, and lots of it.

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"Why are people attracted to my camp?" Wayne asked, only to answer his own question. These people need to loosen a little. Just because we're suppose to kill each other doesn't mean that we can't start friendly. They think freinds will weaken them. Make them too weak to kill their own freind. They are almost right, they won't go out of their way to kill a friend. But I will, and I will have the last laugh at their rotting corspes. If only everyone could be an optimist...


This was still dangerous. These people are ready to do what they want to him. All he can do is lie there, slowly dying. But he had the best advantage. A dash through the trees will hide him, especially since he has light feet. And if they are in Wayne's vision, they are sitting ducks, ready for an arrow to pierce their skins and steal their life in a single breath. He had an advantage in a forest as dense as this. His bow was where he left it, next to his pants supported by a hook. His quiver was on his back, a very special quiver. It seemed to reproduce more quivers, but not often. He would save the arrows anyway, they were special, precious. And that thought sparked a part of his memory, one of his favorite memories.


The bear was running, definately, but not fast enough for Wayne. But the bear knew his way through the forest, while Wayne just ventured in. When he thought he lost the bear, Wayne rested on a tree. He bellowed, "Agawade!", only being 2 at the moment. He triumphed a hard test. Now what? He was hungry. He was thirsty. Yes, water. That's what he needed.


Author's Note: Have you ever seen a lake in a forest? I haven't. A natural lake wouldn't be completely circular, obviously. It is not too big to be an ocean, but not small enough to be a puddle. It has to have constant rain in order to stay a body of water. It has to have a way to get and deposit water, usually. That is accomplished my creeks and waterfalls. But lakes are very special. A lake isn't a lake without something in it. An ocean can be dead boring with no life in it. It's still an ocean. A river could be completely fished out of fish, but is still a river. But if life isn't present in a lake, then it's not a lake. It's a fantasy. Because something in a lake is always present. And guess what. It's you.

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verdanda sips on the last bit of her tea as the plane lands "miku lets go"verdanda demands. "yes mistress" miku replies. miku folows as verdanda leaves the plane, all of a suden a man tackels verdanda to the ground, "mistress!!!" miku yelps, ferdanda now filled with anger "rage,verdan!!!" the small dager morfs into a katana shape "die fool" she then stabs the man with her blade up side down and cuts im almost all the way in half verticly. blod sperts all over and on her "heh HEH AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" verdanda laughs psycoticly. "miku" verdanda states evily, "ye-yes mistress" miku says frightend, "let us go" verdanda says calmly.verdanda walks out of the airport coverd in blood ignoreing the peoples frightened faces.

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"lets go to a hotell so i can clean this filths blood off of me" states to miku "yes mistress", she said depresively, verdanda looks at fallen with furosity licks the blood o0ff of her blade and starts to walk twards him,then miku grabs verdandas arm "comeon mistress we have to get to the hotel" miku frets. "hee hee" verdanda giggles twards fallen with a goofy face.

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Fallen thinks after he see the face of Verdanda "What kind of look was that? Maybe its these bracelets that contain my energy swords, whatever she wont be laughing when the cut her in half" Fallen sees someone else near by also with a mark. "Better not go after her, a hunter always knows his prey, plus she has a mark" starring at Leon

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"And with that, I'm off." Wayne said as he bolted towards the woods. But I have left a present for you. I hope you use your left side more than your right.




"He is one of us. It's obvious. He was born 9 months after his mother died. The mother wasn't expecting when she died, but they share the same genetic material. She had no other sons or daughters, and the genetic material was a mother-to-son type of relationship. An embryo can't survive on a dead body. He is infused with death, and he can't escape it. Wayne must come up here in the next 5 days, or else you are fired." A voice boomed through a well-lighted room, proving to be in the highest position. The source was sitting in a chair. The wings and halo was obviously proving that it was an angel. A few shuffling feet were heard in the distance. "This is not good." the voice boomed, once again. "I must deliver my final desicion to him very soon. This boy's future is in my hand. His life or his death."




Wayne walked to a lake. After he took a drink, Wayne looked into the water. It was... himself. He was shocked, so he touched the image. It disappeared. He reached farther, farther, then splashed right into the water. It wasn't deep, a relief to Wayne because he couldn't swim. Wayne wobbled out of the lake. He took another glance at the surface and saw himself again. Taunts, the image was taunting him. Wayne went farther in this stime, only to stand and follow the image again. Deeper and deepe he went, until he reached his limit. But the face didn't. The face was looming farther out. Wayne thought for a second. Then, he made the best choice he could've made in his entire life.

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Kaisu heard the voice. Wayne... My first opponent.. I'm ready... after I win the God Arms, all will perish before me...He walked through the forest, thinking. They're bound to make alliances in here... It just makes each other bait... In this competition, you gotta head straight for the prize.... Of course... That would make things easier.... He smiled a grim smile, and headed through the forest. Sword against arrow... I better be careful... let's just hope this guy's smart enough to be alone...Kaisu climbed up a tree, knowing this would be great cover, not to mention it would be easier to find them, waiting for him in the treetops. He climbed from tree to tree, remaining viligant. He kept his sword close. After spending his whole life alone, living with nothing to help him survive, had made him a dangerous swordsman, and he had always been smart. He just needed to know their style of fighting to win. He took out a small pouch/bag and rathered pebbles inside it. "The God Arms are mine..." he muttered, looking for Wayne, his blind opponent. He had no idea what was coming to him...

ooc:huh, we're of the same kind Light.

Kaisu got his personalitie by not being loved, as he had to live alone...

I can tell why Wayne's like that though.

May the best character win~

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