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Second attempt at deck :s


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Oh yah, don't stop reading because i stuffed some E-Hero's in it :D


Scrap-Iron Scarecrow


Spellbinding Circle

Summon Limit

Psychic Rejuvenation


Threatening Roar

Sakuretsu Armor



Black Luster Soldier

Elemental Hero Sparkman

Wall of Illusion

Sacred Crane

Elemental Hero Wildheart

Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo-Daedalus



Dark Rsonator

Marauding Captain

Exiled Force

Mind Protector



Card Shuffle

Scroll of Bewitchment x2

A Legendary Ocean

Fullfillment of the Contract

Premature Burial

Smashing Ground

Hero Mask

Lightning Vortex

Soul Release


Offerings to the Doomed


Pigeonholing Books of Spell

Bait Doll

Junk Barrage

Monster Reincarnation

Double Summon

Symbols of Duty

Reversal Quiz

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yeah, totally not spamming -.-


I know it sucks, big time. But you could do something like... I don't know, help out?!

And unlike you i don't use my money to buy 30lolboosters every single day.

If you have nothing else to say than that you might

1: Read the title.


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1. Read the banlist again...

2. Choose a theme...

3. Maken version 4...


If you're short on money' date=' check out the "I WANT YOU" thread. It's under the My Deck-section.



Nyeh? I got money, that's not the problem. I think i PMed you why my cards are lolable.

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take out the banned cards and try to find a theame that will work and stick to it. also unless your running a jaden e-hero deck take out the heros


I would use Hero Mask A Legendary Ocean together with Neo Daedalus and the monster... Oh my god, i'm an idiot!

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