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The Card Replica WC2009 Template [XCF FILE NOW AVAILABLE]

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This is very helpful! I've made one already. It's not really good' date=' because its a made up card that I think is not really balanced, but it might be.




I hope it looks good, and I'm posting on my Twitter sometime today.


[spoiler=My Twitter Link]




I added it to the first post :D. It doesn't matter about OCG or overpoweredness. I just want to see some of the cards you peeps make :)

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This is very helpful! I've made one already. It's not really good' date=' because its a made up card that I think is not really balanced, but it might be.




I hope it looks good, and I'm posting on my Twitter sometime today.


[spoiler=My Twitter Link]




I added it to the first post :D. It doesn't matter about OCG or overpoweredness. I just want to see some of the cards you peeps make :)


Thanks, yangninja for adding it to the first post! And thanks for the info, I thought OCG or overpoweredness would have effected it slightly so thank you! :)

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Yangninja, I recomend you changing it to PR not FR full rights is thiers only, that means no-one but the person who has FR to it can distribute it, unless they give it out for PR, If it is for PR they can distribute anywhere.


As you can see who ever buys for FR, it would be their's only, I had trouble with that when I first sold something for FR for 50 points. so please change.

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Yangninja' date=' I recomend you changing it to PR not FR full rights is thiers only, that means no-one but the person who has FR to it can distribute it, unless they give it out for PR, If it is for PR they can distribute anywhere.


As you can see who ever buys for FR, it would be their's only, I had trouble with that when I first sold something for FR for 50 points. so please change.



wait... I don't see the difference?

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Ok You currently own for FR because YOU own it right? well if you sell for FR then you will NOT own it anymore. It will be the person's that you sold it to. And with PR' date=' they can post it with your permission and not claim ownership.



can't I just add to the rules "you may not claim as your own?"

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Actually' date=' he gets the rights to stay as an owner because he made the thing.



I totally agree. Unless I sell it for Exclusive rights then the other person would own it. Full Rights is just a license to prove that they can use it for profit

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