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Letter E, a Tegami Bachi RP! Accepting! Join now!


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A Tegami Bachi RP.


[align=center]This is mainly based on the Tegami Bachi manga.


You have taken the job of a Letter Bee, as a senior Letter Bee's assistant. Delivering letters from place to place, avoiding Gaichuu and having adventures along the way. But their is a plot. A plot devised by the Chancellor of the Akatsuki division, a plan to destroy the other divisions feeling that they are unpure and derserve to die, he has figured how to control Gaichuu, and he controls and fantastic army. [/align]


How this goes:


I will be the DM, controlling the game making plot twists. There will be only 5 letter bee's, other players can be the Bee's dingo and others can be certain charachters very involved in the plot.




5 Letter Bee's.

5 Dingo's

Unlimited until this starts: Bystanders and important charachters.




Job: (Letter Bee, Dingo, other)


Species: (Dingo's only)




Other: Must include something here.




Have Fun!!

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