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Spark Mart! New item in stock

Envoy of Twilight

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Welcome to SparkMart!! fk5d7q.png


[spoiler=My items]asdfeww.jpgjeewilikers.jpguntitled.jpgCardofpower.jpg



[spoiler=Starfire3's items]neoe-1.jpg



[spoiler=Bratinella's items]dbtveo.pngDIe5PBpyHd24.jpg



[spoiler=New item]before:phantom.jpgafter:phantom2.jpg


to order, just post your card and ask or just ask for a certain thing and post the pic you want for it, it's that simple


My items are 3 points each

Starfire3's are 4 points each

Bratinella's banner is 4 and the pokemon card is 5


[spoiler=New item in store only 3 points! It's a card cover]Cardofpower.jpg


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Me' date=' I just holo things... Here is an example: [img']http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv278/RexraptorSparkman/wowowowowowowow4.jpg[/img]



I need more workers, tell me what you can do and show me an example.


Holo: 3points

The thing is, ask the people that do the job to do something. For example, Lets say "Bob" makes dark sychros. Ask him to do it and pay him! Thank you!


Well i am not really good for anything but i can just do card recolours and inverts. Sorry of u dont wan me u dont have to but here are some examples.



So that is all i am able to do. Sorry

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I'll work here!!

I can only do a few things.....



[spoiler=MY items]

BANNERS (5-10 points depending on difficulty)




Pokemon Card 5 points




Glowing Text 7 points

example:(in my banner)







Background(pic or color):

Text(choose from the Texts):

Text color:



Pokemon Card


Type :

Hit Points :

Evolution stage :


Attack 1 and 2:


Attack Name:

Damage :


Require energy (up to 4):


Weakness :

Resistance :

Retreat cost :



Glowing text

glow color:




Copy and paste this in your shop so my items come up:


[spoiler=MY items]
BANNERS (5-10 points depending on difficulty)

Pokemon Card 5 points

Glowing Text 7 points
example:(in my banner example)


Background(pic or color):
Text(only glowing text is available):
Text color:

Pokemon Card

Type :
Hit Points :
Evolution stage :
Attack 1 and 2:

Attack Name:
Damage :
Require energy (up to 4):
Weakness :
Resistance : 
Retreat cost :

Glowing text
glow color:

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Put it all in the first post Brandon, So it looks proper (And use spoilers too)


I will come back soon and do an order, after you update it :D (I would love to offer myself to do something, but the only real thing I can do is really bad renders :()



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