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Pokémon Masters RP [Pokémon Masters Club Members ONLY!] [Started]

.:Abarai Renji:.

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"Okie dokie!" Glaceon smiled, and started off with a Powder Snow attack into the air. Then, she used Headbutt to pound a medium-sized rock into the snow, and used Ice Beam on it. It froze, and Glaceon charged at it with a Take Down, and the crystallized boulder splittered into tiny crystals of ice, and with the snow and ice crystals aroud her, she looked like an angel, sparkling and smiling, before she landed.

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Umbreon smiled. "Breo..." it said, meaning, "Ok then..." she leaped up, and used Tackle on a rock, making it splitter into gravel. She disappeared, and used Extremespeed, making the pebble float in a tornado around her, then, as a finalé, she used Shadow Ball on the ground, exploding herself upwards, before landing unharmed in front of Matt.




Glaceon laid down on Liang's stomach, looking into his eyes.


OoC: Sorry! You don't have to sound so mad!

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