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Low Level monsters, High Level Deck 5/40

Is this a good deck?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Is this a good deck?

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Neon-Green Spooka


Fairy / Tuner / Effect

Atk/500 Def/1000

For each card removed from play this card gets 500 Atk points




Fiend / Effect

Atk/0 Def/0

This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is destroyed add this card to your hand.


Spoynker Synchron


Machine / Effect / Tuner

Atk/700 Def/800

For each card in your hand your opponet discards one card.


Great Sloinker


Fiend / Synchro / Effect

Atk/1900 Def/1200

Spoynker Synchron + one or more non tuner monsters

When this card is in battle it cannot be destroyed.

Roll a die:

1: Discard 1 card

2: Draw 2 cards

3: Special Summon 1 monster from your graveyard, it is removed from play at the end phase

4: Add 1 level 4 or below monster from your deck to your hand

5: Destroy 1 card on the field

6: All cards on the field are destroyed




Reptile / Effect

Atk/400 Def/0

Each turn you can special summon 1 card from your hand it is destroyed at the end phase.

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Some Gawd-awful OCG, but fair concepts. Spoynker Synchron seems OP in terms of card destruction, and you don't say WHEN your opponent has to discard the card. Other than that not good. Pump up the stats of the f*ckers and maybe add a bit more to their effects, and you might have something goin' for ya.


P.S.: I rather like Great Sloinker (but I'm a gambler myself. :P)


Oh, and, if you can, make a third poll option for "Could Be Better" or "Keep Workin'" or something like that...

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These cards are too powerful.

The first is Gren Maju Da Eiza, a very powerful level -3-, that gets 100 -more- per RFG card and works on -both- RFG piles and then is a tuner too? Far too much.


The second is too much as well, generally monsters that won't die by battle are considered very powerful, and I think the only one without a negative effect is Marshmallon, which is limited. This card, however, isn't just invincible and has no negative effect, destroying it with a card effect won't keep it gone, too powerful.


Again, you didn't mention when for the Synchron but it is far, far too effective, if you could pull that off first turn, you'd pretty much have won the duel there and then.


Only a 1 on the Synchro is particuarly bad, its other effects are all pretty good and its specific tuner is actually OP'd, which doesn't make that much of a negative.


Ex-Blob, it's just a once-per-turn Maruading Captain which is a bit weaker, probably the most balanced of the set.

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