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Official Thread Index

Flame Dragon

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We've had several official threads now and I think it is time to have a quick access page to them.


Here are the ones we have



Pokemon Black/White

General Pokemon


Console War


Pokemon HG/SS


Still broken: I'm having some problems finding the below threads. If you want to make a thread on the following, please try to find the official version before you make your own thread.


Kindom Hearts

Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2009

Let's Plays

Gaming Industry thread

Official Metroid Prime Trilogy Thread

Official Call of Duty Thread



I know we have more but these are the only ones I remember. Threads, while being able to call themselves official, will only be called official by me if I see a need for it, or if they become big enough so that making a new thread for that game will be pointless. So even if a thread has "offcial" in it's tital it isn't one unless it's listed in this thread. Also these threads can be necro bumped at any time.


If you know of a thread I missed, please pm it to me.

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