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The Hidden Mist Jutsu Zabuza used was good, although I'd use it for other purposes Meh heh O.O.


Star Techniques..Ionno the episodes of the star thing were on, but I practically ignored them.


Sound is deadly, considering it took out Lee pretty fast, although it was 3 people taking him on. Kin's Senbon with the bells thing was pretty cool. Zaku was plain out cocky and annoying to me, even though his moves were pretty cool. Being able to stop Choji's Human Boulder sure is something ._.


Crystal, Haku could of killed Naruto had he not been so soft. Wonder what a Crystal Clone would be like? Punch one and suddenly you break your hand.

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Alright, the example is completed. What do you guys think? A couple hours of tireless work...


I think the one with the frame looks a lot more better. The one without looks like a failed copy and paste.






If this looks like a possibility, I can probably make like 20+ other designs to sell.

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MapleStory sucks. This is Ragnarok. R.A.G.N.A.R.O.K. < -- See that? Yeah.


I might do one of those hexagonal stat things that you sometimes see. As part of the background or something. It will be subtle.


If you guys want one, just provide me a picture and distribute 300 status points into the six major stats, strength, vitality, intelligence, dexterity, agility, and luck. I will figure out the rest.

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It doesn't matter. I can resize it.


Oh, and I'm pretty sure I can change the colour, also.


I'll do it when I wake up. I'm going to sleep now. Just post the picture, guild name, and stats. Of course, you can leave the guild name empty. Or you can do the Ninja Academy. Doesn't matter.

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