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"Operation:Hell" Set 12/12(?)


Which would you choose?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which would you choose?

    • Project:Adramelech
    • Project:Asmodeus
    • Project:Astaroth
    • Project:Baal
    • Project:Beelzebub
    • Project:Belial
    • Project:Belphegor
    • Project:Leviathan
    • Project:Lilith
    • Project:Naamah
    • Project:Lucifer & Perdition

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This is a set I came up with based around an idea I have for an amateur game I'm designing. It's my first time posting any card(s) (ideas), so be gentle :oops: :P.


Oh, and 50 Points for the house that guesses the inspiration for the names [/Harry Potter Joke]


[spoiler=Name: Operation:Hell - Project:Adramelech]

Card Type: Monster/Effect

Attribute: DARK

Level: 8

Type: Fiend

Description: If this card is in face-up Attack Position during your Draw Phase, draw 3 cards instead of 1. Your opponent may also draw 3 cards during his/her Draw Phase if this card is in face-up Attack Position.





[spoiler=Name: Operation:Hell - Project:Asmodeus]

Card Type: Monster/Effect

Attribute: DARK

Level: 5

Type: Fiend/Union

Description: Once per turn, you can equip this card to a Fairy-, Warrior-, or Spellcast-Type monster you control, OR unequip it to Special Summon this card. While equipped to a monster by this effect, that monster's ATK is increased by 1000 and it's DEF is decreased by 1500. When that monster battles a monster, destroy that monster at the end of the Damage Step(Damage Calculations still apply.) (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle, this card is destroyed instead.)





[spoiler=Name: Operation:Hell - Project:Astaroth]

Card Type: Monster/Effect

Attribute: DARK

Level: 10

Type: Fiend

Description: Description: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 1 or 3 monsters on your field whose Levels are 5 or more. If you removed from play 3 monsters with this effect, this monster gains the following effect. When this monster attacks your opponent directly, your opponent discards all cards in his/her hand and the top 5 cards in his/her Deck.





[spoiler=Name: Operation:Hell - Project:Baal]

Card Type: Monster/Effect

Attribute: DARK

Level: 8

Type: Fiend

Description: When this card is Normal Summoned, select 1 card on each player's field and remove it from play. If you cannot, pay 500 Life Points during each of your Standby Phases in which this card is face-up on your field. This is not optional.





[spoiler=Name: Operation:Hell - Project:Beelzebub]

Card Type: Monster/Effect

Attribute: DARK

Level: 8

Type: Fiend

Description: FLIP:Destroy all Spell and Traps Cards on the field. When your opponent activates a Spell card, you can discard one card to negate its effect and destroy it.





[spoiler=Name: Operation:Hell - Project:Belial]

Card Type: Monster/Effect

Attribute: DARK

Level: 7

Type: Fiend

Description: If this card is face-up and the only monster you control during your Standby Phase, place one Independence Counter on this card (max. 1), otherwise remove each Independence Counter from it. Increase this card's ATK and DEF by 1000 for each Independence Counter on it. During your End Phase, you may discard 2 cards to return all other monsters you control to their owner's hand. For each card returned to it's owner's hand by this effect, place one Loneliness Counter on this card. As long as there is at least 1 Loneliness Token, this card cannot be the target of Spell, Trap, of Effect Monster effects. This card's ATK is increased by 250 for each Loneliness Counter on it, as well. During each of your Standby Phases, remove 1 Loneliness Counter from this card. If this card is not the only monster you control, remove all Loneliness Counters from this card.





[spoiler=Name: Operation:Hell - Project:Belphegor]

Card Type: Monster/Effect

Attribute: DARK

Level: 8

Type: Fiend

Description: This card cannot be selected as the target of Spell, Trap, or Effect Monster effects or monster attacks.





[spoiler=Name: Operation:Hell - Project:Leviathan]

Card Type: Monster/Effect

Attribute: WATER

Level: 4

Type: Sea Serpent

Description: This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card's DEF is increased by 1500 if Umi is in play. If this card is face-up during your Standby Phase, you may Special Summon up to 2 "Serpent Tokens" (Sea Serpent-Type/WATER/Level 2/ATK 750/DEF 500).





[spoiler=Name: Operation:Hell - Project:Lilith]

Card Type: Monster/Effect

Attribute: DARK

Level: 8

Type: Fiend

Description: When this card is Normal Summoned, place all cards on both players' fields (excluding this one) into their respective owners' Decks and shuffle them.Then,each player draws a number of cards equal to the number of cards returned to the owner's Deck. This monster cannot attack on the turn it was summoned.




(NOTE:I added the last line of her effect at the last second. If it's incorrect OCG... Well... See towards the bottom of this post.)



[spoiler=Name: Operation:Hell - Project:Naamah]

Card Type: Monster/Effect

Attribute: DARK

Level: 8

Type: Fiend

Description: When this card is Summoned, change the target of all face-up Equip Spell Cards to this card. Equip Spell Cards may only target this card. Any Equip Spell cards activated that cannot be equipped to this card are removed from the play.





[spoiler=Name: Operation:Hell - Project:Lucifer & Operation:Hell - Project:Perdition]

Card Type: Ritual/Effect

Attribute: DARK

Level: 12

Type: Fiend

Description: When this card is Special Summoned, remove from play all other Level of 4 or higher cards in both players' Decks, Extra Decks, hands, Graveyards and on the field, excluding cards with "Operation:Hell" in their names. Then, during the first Main Phase of each of your opponent's turns, your opponent can Special Summon as many monsters from their Deck as possible.




Card Type: Spell/Ritual

Description: This card is used to Ritual Summon "Operation:Hell -Operation:Lucifer".You must also offer monsters from the field or your hand whose total Level Stars equal or exceed the Level Stars of the Ritual Monster you are attempting to Ritual Summon.


(NOTE: I have no clue how to convey Spell/Trap cards in written format, but I did my best. Well, the best I felt like.)



I probably don't have correct OCG, or I use Old OCG (Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duelist FTW!!) but I tried, so, if you would, please simply point out the errors.

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All the names appear to be biblical Demons from what I recall. Though you're missing Asmodeus and the Leviathan, how could you miss those two?


Well, the only problem I have with this set is that there's a lack of co-ordination. They just all seem to have semi-random effects that don't really support eachother. If I were you, I'd probably switch them around to work a bit like Pseudo-Monarchs- Level 5, 6 monsters with powerful effects when they're Tribute Summoned- And make a few support cards that create Tribute Fodder.


As for Astaroth, if you want him to be less God-y, I recommend changing him a little to be more like, say, Beast King Barbaros. Something like, "You can Special Summon this card by offering 3 Monsters OR 5 monsters from your side of the field. Yadada yada, if you summon this card by tributing 5 monsters, when this card attacks the opponent directly, they must discard all cards in their hand", while dropping his level to 9 or 10, and giving him an Attack of say, 3500. Sorry if that's too different from his original effect for you.


One last problem- Lucifer has NO synergy with the rest of your cards. He literally destroys his own Archetype, so I'd be baffled why anyone would play him if this was a real set.


Hope I helped at all, I'm trying to increase the activity in the Written Cards section, you see.

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Thanks and Acknowledgements: Thank you for the comment.


First Act: You are close on the inspiration guessing, but the group as a whole (not including or disincludin others) is more the inspiration. In fact my inspiration was inspired by those biblical creatuers/figures/clowns.


Second Act: Thanks for the idea on Operation:Hell - Project:Astaroth (I write the whole name to make it seem special :P). I hadn't thought of how to write double effects with making the text even SMALLER on a card (just put it in an example on the Card Maker, you'll see.) I might just do that.


Final Act: Lucifer is ment to be a stand-alone bad-ass mother-shut-yo'-mouth. It does destroy any form of synergy with the other cards, but unless I, say, add an exception for all other "Operation:Hell: cards, it can't be helped... But I know what you mean. He(she?)'s just meant to f*** s*** up.


Epilogue: I'm TOTALLY gonna' add Leviathan!! I'll read up on Asmodeus, and he's a maybe, but I never THOUGHT of Leviathan!! Screw my inspiration! After all, it's INSPIRation, not REPLIcation!


Word from the Author: Do I ramble too much?

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Salutation response- No really, it's my pleasure.


1- Thought it was something like that.


2- Small text on the Card Maker is annoying, but livable. Hell, people still use Relinquished, and if I recall, he has the record for smallest text size. (I believe it's at 4 font).


3- Heh, fair enough, he IS Lucifer. Trouble is, the average deck these days runs much more 4-stars than any other type of monster, so it really gives more advantage to the opponent than it would to you. Plus, you got his ritual slightly wrong- it should be "You must offer monsters whose total level stars are equal or exceed the level of the summoned monster". That's key, you see.


Final- Damned straight, anything completely original is more than likely going to suck these days.


Word from Response: Only about as much as I do.

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Thanks and Acknowledgements: I've editted Operation...Lucifer and Operation...Astaroth. The edits are as follows:


Act I - Astaroth:


Scene I - Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set.This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 3 or 5 monsters on your field whose Levels are 5 or more. If you tributed 5 monsters, Operation:Hell - Project:Astaroth gains the following effect: When this monster attack your opponent directly,your opponent discards all cards in his/her hand and the top 5 cards in his/her Deck.


Scene II - ATK: 4000 -> 3000


Act II - Lucifer:


Scene I - Effect: When this card is Ritual Summoned, remove from play all cards (excluding this one) in both players' Decks and on both Players' fields that have a Level of 4 or more, excluding cards with "Operation:Hell" in their names. Then, during each of your opponent's Main Phase I's, your opponent may select and Special Summon as many monsters remaining in his/her Deck as he/she can.


Act III - Perdition:


Scene I - Effect: This card is used to Ritual Summon "Operation:Hell -Operation:Lucifer".You must also offer monsters from the field or your hand whose total Level Stars equal or exceed the Level Stars of the Ritual Monster you are attempting to Ritual Summon.


Epilogue: I'll get right on Operation...Leviathan and (maybe/probably) Operation...Asmodeus.


Word from the Author: I don't know why I'm posting in this format but I'm becoming more and more afraid that it may become a habit O_o...


Oh, and by "Edit" I mean edit the imageless card I made and saved using the Card Maker... I didn't actually edit my first post...

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Heh, not bad. Only one fix I would make, and that would be on Astaroth-


Scene I - Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set.This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 3 or 5 monsters on your field whose Levels are 5 or more. If you tributed 5 monsters, this card gains the following effect: When this monster attack your opponent directly,your opponent discards all cards in his/her hand and the top 5 cards in his/her Deck.


Monsters generally don't refer to themselves by name, unless you're talking about a separate card with the same name (like another copy of Peten the Dark Clown, or whatever).


I'm liking how the set's developing. I'd think if you continue the set, you should try putting in some tribute-Fodder cards to help you summon the 5 star+ monsters, maybe something that summons tributable Tokens or allows you multiple Normal Summons per turns.

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I meant to put "this card", but I've seen so many bastardations of OCG I guess it slipped in when my mind slipped out.


As for the tribute, I may make an Operation...Belial. Lemme' research him/her/it a bit more (all I have to go on is The Satanic Bible (by Anton Szandor LaVey.))


Oh, and it's "Operation:Hell - Project:..." for a reason, so if you like how this set's developing...[/foreshadowing]


P.S.: *Reads Signature* Carry a spare what? Pardon me if I seem oblivious...

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Of whatever you need. Knives, books, binders, whatever. In my case, pens. Lots and lots of pens.


Eh? Not sure I follow you. With two naming conventions (Operation AND Project), I'm assuming there's some that are Operations, but not projects (A different but similar set?)


I personally like every set that progresses well. My ultimate goal is to make an ultimate, YVD .Set file for general play use, but of course I'll need a crapton of good, well-made sets before I can start using the file.

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Oh, and sometimes I get ahead of myself. The "Operation..." and "Project..." are related to me personally. I completely forgot that there ae OTHER people who don't know the things I do :lol:. I just meant that there will be other "Operation:..."'s, each with their own "Projects:..."




That whole "foreshadowing" thing seemed so much cooler in my head... :P


But yeah, I plan on setting up plenty of balanced and progressive decks.


And one last thing: It's so odd that you mention YVD and the search for cards therefor. I just read about it for the first time. Coincidence, am I right or what?:D *Live Studio Audience Laughter*

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That's good, that's good.


I've known about YVD for a while now, though just recently learned to modify .Set files and add in custom cards. Currently the only set I have thusfar is most of my Armageddon Set, though I plan to later include other people's sets until I have a large enough library to make the file public.

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I can't play it. Gotta' D/L it from what I can tell, and I play off of another person's computer, and they don't want me D/L'ing anything, so that kinda' sucks...


But this is getting off topic. Got any other criticisms (not necessarily in a bad sense.) I need some others to read this and critique it, too. A bit odd no one lese has dropped a comment...

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The written card forum is very, very slow. Very slow. Very likely the slowest section in the forum; Which is why I'm more prone to getting off topic here, as bumping to the top = good in a slow forum, and also why nobody else has dropped a comment.


Not many other real criticisms, though I might see something tomorrow. You'll want to edit your first post with the changes you made to the other cards, though.

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Yeah. And I'm thinking of changing the Title and adding some other "Operations" (as I call them), or perhaps just more of my card ideas. I just have to figure out how to use spoiler tags...


Oo oo!! And maybe I'll add a poll!!




A poll...



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Ok, now for the rest;

Adramelech, possibly useful if you Summon him with Limit Reverse or something simmilar during your opponent's End Phase so they don't get the draw, but otherwise, not quite worth it. I'd say give him some respectable ATK, since you won't really be gaining a draw advantage from him anyway and leaving out a 0 ATK target with 2 tributes is a bad idea.


Asmodeus, I think this is an OCG fix: "While equipped to a monster by this effect, that monster's ATK is increased by 1000 and it's DEF is decreased by 1500. When that monster bbattles a monster, destroy that monster at the end of the Damage Step."

Not sure, but it seems to work, decent card.


Astaroth, "Description: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 3 or 5 monsters on your field whose Levels are 5 or more. If you removed from play 5 monsters with this effect, this monster gains the following effect. When this monster attacks your opponent directly,your opponent discards all cards in his/her hand and the top 5 cards in his/her Deck."

There, I think that works too. The summoning conditions are too hard and I personally don't think this card would see much play in its current state, change it to 1 or 3 and it could just work.


Baal, Standby Phase must be capitalized. It seems like a two tribute Caius with a negative effect, 400 ATK and 2200 DEF? Probably usuable if you thought about it, but definately not easy to get working.


Beelzebub, "When this card is Normal Summoned, destroy all Spell and Traps Cards on the field. While this card is face-up, no Spell cards may be played." This looks like an easy to Summon, 3000/3050 lockdown of all Spells, mixing this with Decree seems too easy to make a lockdown, give it a cost to negate spells, a maintainance cost, or only target a certain type of spell (probably Normal Spells)


Belial, still doesn't have a Union effect! What's up with that?


Belphegor, I can see it being a decent stall card, only removable by non-targeters, maybe the slightest bit too powerful though, since not everyone runs that many monster nukes.


Leviathan, with A Legandary Ocean, 1900 ATK monster which gives 2x 950 ATK level 1 tokens? Not broken at all, in fact, a pretty good and balanced card when put into the right Deck.


Lilith, oh, I really like this effect, a complete field shuffle, usable and possibly devistating if you throw this onto a strong, full field. I like it.


Naamah, "When this card is Summoned, change the target of all face-up Equip Spell Cards to this card. Equip Spell Cards may only target this card."

It's not exactly the same, but it's kinda hard to tell exactly what the OCG should be on this, since it's an odd effect. I'm not sure how either version works with cards that can't target it normally, (Equips that only work on certain monsters)


Lucifer, "When this card is Special Summoned, remove from play all other cards in both players' Decks and on both Players' fields that have a Level of 4 or more, excluding cards with "Operation:Hell" in their names. Then, during the first Main Phase of each of your opponent's turns, your opponent can Special Summon as many monsters remaining in their Deck as they can."


Seems like a nice card, but it would kill itself with that last effect, they'd just Summon a Tuner and some Synchro Fodder, Synchro into Brio and return him to your hand. Maybe make him RFG the Extra Deck too?


Also, look over some of the cards and make sure you have a space after punctuation.

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That was an ENORMOUS help!! A couple things:


ASMODEUS was the Union... The cheeky lil' bastard... Fixed with your OCG aide.


I forgot Astaroth required Level 5+ "tributes", but I liked the idea, so I changed the requirement to 1 or 3, as per your suggestion.


I changed Baal to a FLIP Effect Monster (I think Flip is allcaps...), lowered his DEF, and added a negate cost (probably with incorrect OCG...)


Check Belial again.


Didn't change Belphegor, as he is powerless (without Equip Spell cards, anyway. >=) )


Left Leviathan and Lilith alone.


Changed Naamah to match your suggested OCG and added an effect that takes care of your Equipment-Not-Work Scenario.


Editted Luci to destroy ALL Deck, Extra Deck, Hand, graveyard, and Field cards of Level 4 or higher. Suck it, Blue Eyes!!


I added the space after punctuation, too. I made these cards at different times, so there were some with and some without.


Again, thanks a metric ton for the help with OCG, Balancing, etc.

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Beelzebub, " you can discard one card to negate its effect and destroy it."


Belphegor, not powerless at all, and you can't target him for equip cards anyway. Just leaving him, and nothing else, on the field, makes your opponent unable to do anything without usieasily a burn deck or Exodia deck could win with that.


Naamah, "removed from play" rather than "removed from the game"


Lucy, "When this card is Special Summoned, remove from play all other Level of 4 or higher cards in both players' Decks, Extra Decks, hands, Graveyards and on the field, excluding cards with "Operation:Hell" in their names. Then, during the first Main Phase of each of your opponent's turns, your opponent can Special Summon as many monsters from their Deck as possible."


And no problem, I try to help whenever I can and this is a really nice set ^.^

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Gawd, you are soooo nit-picky. =P


I changed a bit more thanks to your "guidance", but I'm content with Belphegor. He can't hurt you and you can't hurt him, so suck it up Obelisk. :D But you're right, he's the ultimate stalemate. But that's just it: Stalemate. You and your opponent can gain the opportunity to power up while he sits there.




Ya' know, for some reason I see him as an armless-legless guy in mental ward patient clothes...


I dunno', it's freakin' me out!!


(Oh, and thanks for complimenting my first public set. This really boosts my self-esteem. :D)

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Wow, did these cards increase in quality overnight? Heh, well, now that I've had a nice rest, I can nit-pickilly examine these cards... 1 by 1.


Adramelech - Interesting card, a pretty great Draw Engine, but he almost seems not worth it for two tributes. I would recommend giving him an additional effect to help the other Operation: Hells, something like "If this card is in face-up defense position, decrease the level of all Monster Cards with "Operation:Hell" in their names in your hand by 2". That would make the 8-stars, 6-stars, the 5-stars, 3-stars and simply be great tech for getting out all those Operations since you're drawing like a madman. I'd recommend it only activating while he's in defense position to eliminate any over-poweredness coming from him having both effects simultaneously.


Asmodeus- Also interesting, though I'm perplexed why it only works on Warriors, Spellcasters, and Fairies.


Astaroth- This card is so much better now, no fixes. Plus, he works great in Skill Drain decks now, which is a bonus.


Baal - Interesting... The more I get through this, the more I'm seeing the Operation: Hells start being based on removing cards from play.


Beelzebub - a level 8 FLIP effect monster? THIS. IS. MADNESS.

But awesome, like a more useful Spell Canceler with a cost, that doesn't

stop your Spells too.


Belial- This card is... somewhat interesting. It'd probably be useful in a Dark World deck, I guess, but returning your own cards to your hand doesn't seem useful enough to constitute discarding your entire hand. I recommend changing it to "return all cards on the field to their owner's hands", so you get to screw over your opponent. It's not OPed, since you

can only do this during your End Phase.


Belphegor- Ultimate stalemate, awesome. Plus, he's incredibly searchable with 0 Atk and Def.


Leviathan- Ah, some sych with the other cards, awesome! No other fixes, and it's also playable in a Fish deck.


Lilith- Absolutely devastating. Now I'm picturing some sort of Project: Hell Exodia deck, using the draw power of Adramelech and this card, alongside the other draw engines. Belphegor also helps, being a great blocker.


Naamah - Meh, don't really like this one... Equip cards generally aren't the most popular card out there, and chances are, your opponent won't be using very many axes of despair. I'd also prefer it if you added the clause..."All equip cards are equipped to this card, regardless of their effect..." So that EVERY equip can be equipped to it, instead of removing them from play.


Lucifer - Devastating, that's all I can say. I'm trying to decide if this card is OPed or not... on one hand, it absolutely destroys the opponent. On the other, it IS a Ritual monster, and they do get any other monster that survives the next turn... not like they'd be any...

I'd slap a "Half your LP" requirement to activate the effect on it, but it'd be fine without to.

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@Griffin999: Thanks again for the posisitve reinforcement. I've looked at some of your cards (namedly Black Ice), but can't really offer anything up. =\ But I'll check some others later.


@Blazing Hydra: I never thought of your idea for Adramelech. It's interesting, but would it make Operation...Lucifer easier to summon?


And for Asmodeus, I based it on the lore of Asmodeus and Sarah, and sine Warriors, Spellcasters, and Fairies seem to be the most human(oid)s, I made him synch up with those.


I lol'd at your Beelzebub comment. :D


With Belial, he's meant to be based around the Satanist concept of "independence" and "self-furthering." But I may tweak it a little... You think "Remove from play one monster in your hand" to use his End Phase effect, or just discard, maybe, any two or three?


Belphegor's a favorite of mine. ;) After all, stalemates are extremely exciting. :P


Naamah isn't meant to be the best. I made his effect original. Ithink it's good, but overshadowed by it's bretheren.


And as for Luci... It's Lucifer. 'Nuff said.


Any I didn't mention basically means "Thanks for the comment! Glad you like 'em!", JSYK.


I'll get to tweaking later. Right now I have Real Life work to do. :x (F*cking lawn...)

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Adramelech WOULD make Lucifer a little easier to summon, though not much. He'd go from a 12-star requirement to a 10-star. However, keep in mind all the OTHER monsters in your hand lose 2 stars too, so the only way it'd be easier for him to be summoned is if

A) You're using Monsters other than Operation: Hells, or

B) You're offering Monsters already on your side of the field.


And not that much, either.

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