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Digimon-When Two Worlds Collide [We NeedGirls and evil digimon]


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Killer: my digi senses are tingling!

kiara: Quit with the spider-man references.

Killer: well, something is happening- wait is that.....

Kiara: nya... it couldn't be

Wargreymon and 2 shinegreymons walk up to the chaos-destined

WarGreymon: we meet again, and this time, you don't stand a ghost of a chance!

kiara: Killer, darkshine blast!

Killer's hands start to glow black with shadow force he jumps high into the air and fires an energy blast from his hands. he then follows inside the blast and hits one of the shinegreymons. the shinegreymon falls back and transforms into data.

killer: BooYah!

Devi flies in to help and his the other shinegreymon. the shinegreymon falls and also transforms into data.

Wargreymon: so you think those two were easy? they were only hollow shells filled with shinegreymon's data! now watch as.....

Killer: wait, wouldn't it make more sense if you transformed the data into actual shinegreymons?

wargreymon: I DON'T CARE!

suddenly the data surrounds wargreymon

wargreymon: you will all pay!

wargreymon and the data merge into a huge, lumbering metal beast with the wings of shinegreymon

wargreymon: meet gigagreymon!

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Dorumon: I sense Wargreymon is back and fighting against the chaos-destined.

Lucas: (Sigh) Not again. He really have a grudge against them, right Dorumon?

Dorumon: Yep. Maybe we should stop him before he gets deleted snice we are fighting against the same enemy.

Lucas: You probably right. Lets get going, but we dont want to be seen or the digimon know we there to tell wargreymon to go back.

Dorumon: Actually, his new name is GigaGreymon.

Lucas: Ok then. lets grab some cloaks to keep our identy safe.

Dorumon: Ok.

(He and his partner grab their cloaks and put it over them. Then went to tell Gigagreymon to back off and that GigaGreymon will another chance to defeat the Chaos-destined after GigaGreymon is fully recharged.)

Ooc: What happen to Grim? he didnt show up in this story line where he lost his mind and his friends have to get a crest to get his memory back.

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killer: oh crap! this thing is probably gonna kill us

devi: don't care. we have to stop him.

GIgagreymon: you will never defeat me, on the contrary my friend! you will pay for what you have done!

killer: not gonna be easy, you giant retard! your going down!

kiara: go killer! use your Superspecialawesome move!

killers claws began to glow. his eyes burned red with power. he flew forward and slashed gigagreymon. giga felt little harm and batted killer away

gigagreymon: fools! i will kill your tamers if you continue to fight!

killer: man, i can't let kiara die!

devi: same with haro, but this thing will destroy us all either way, so we might as well fight!

killer: good point.

haro and kiara: combo move! devibright blast!

devi and killer jumped high into the air. divi fired a powerful beam, and killer flew right at the front. killer struck giga hard and left a large dent. the beam then pushed through the dent and blew a hole in gigagreymon. giga was in pain but was strong enough to attack

Gigagreymon: your tamers will die!

giga fired a blast directly toward the two tamers. devi swooped down and blocked the blast, sacrificing his own life.

killer: You..... killed my friend!

killer absorbed devi's data and digivolved into hyperchaosmon

Killer: let's go!

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(Arriving at the battle site.)(Remember that both Lucas and Dorumon are hidden in their cloaks.)

Lucas: Stop the fight GigaGreymon!

GigaGreymon: Why should I?!

Lucas: If you don't, then i have to delete you.

GigaGreymon: Do your worst.

Lucas: (sigh) Ready Alpha?!(A.K.A Dorumon)

Alpha: Of course.

Alpha digivolves into dorugamon

Lucas: GO!

Alpha: Power Metal!!!

(The battle has begun.)

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Haro: you you killed him.

Haro charges at gigagreymon

Haro: Now its all pointless now!

Gigagreymon bats Haro away and he lands near Devi

Haro: Devi i guess its over for us. Believe it or not you were my friend you stood by me. Goodbye.

Gigagreymon: pathetic tamer! i will kill you all!

Devi:Haro.You were my friend too.

Devi slowly flies up

Haro: devi! i have an idea! it might not work but here we go! Devi digivolve!

Devi digivolved to Myotismon

Devi: it worked! Bat blast!

devi hit gigagreymon

Giga: so your alive.

Devi: i wont let you hurt Haro again!

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Lucas: Come on Alpha!

Alpha: Power metal!

Hits GigaGreymon on the head.

GigaGreymon: How dare you! I shall kill you with those two tamer!

Lucas: You not killing anyone! You shall die first GigaGreymon!

Alpha: Yeah! We gave you a chance to return home, but now we have to delete you before you cause any more damage! Power metal!

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