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Pretty much a OTK because of the current list but who gives a shiz.


Monsters: 15

3x Destiny Hero - Plasma


3x Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner

2x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress

1x Plaguespreader Zombie

3x Quillbolt Headghog

1x Elemental Hero Stratos

2x Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude


Spells: 22

2x Charge of the Light Brigade

3x Hand Destruction

1x Card Destruction

2x Allure of Darkness

2x Destiny Draw

3x Solar Recharge

1x Reinforcments of the Army

1x Heavy Storm

1x Card of Safe Return

2x Foolish Burial

1x Trade-In

3x Mass Driver


Traps: 3

3x Imperial Iron Wall

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