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Victory Swordsman


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Effect:You can tribute 2 monsters to tribute summmon this card, if you do this this card gains 700 ATK and DEF points. You can tribute 3 monsters in the tribute summoning of this card. If you do this, during each of your standby phases put 1 "Victory" counter on this card. You can tribute 5 monsters when you tribute summon this card, if you do this, this card gains 1500 ATK and DEF points and during each of your standby phases put 1 "Victory" counter on this card. When there are 5 "Victory" counters on this card, you win the match.



There I got rid of the overused pic and I think I fixed the effect

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WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY over powered, i hate anything with instant win effects shy of takeing 6-10 turns to use and for this card, 4 turns of him being on the field and you win, chain swords with him and you win, ide say make it to were every monster he destroys gives him a counter, and he takes... 8 counters, then i would say 9.8/10, right now over powered as he is, i say, 1/10 good idea.. but overpowered

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